Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I took Oliver in for his bath today and "tiding up". today...We get to the groomer, and Ollie walks right in, and jumps up onto the grooming table. He sits there, in that butterfly position, and grabs the thingy that they use to hod them on the table in his mouth...The whole place cracked up, they were hysterical that he did that. I was shocked, there he was my big galoot of a doodle sitting all prim and proper waiting to get groomed...Too bad he didn't know it was bath time first...Anyway he did great as usual there, they love him and he loves them, and when I went to pick him up, he was just hanging around with another goldendoodle, a little girl, lol, not so little, she is 10 mos. old and just sooo cute, and there they were just hanging out together...Nice day all around, and Oliver is one handsome dood again...He needed that bath, lol....

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Comment by cheryl & oliver on July 30, 2010 at 12:45pm
Ty Frannie, he does all the time, well most of the time anyway, lol...
Comment by Frannie & Callie on July 30, 2010 at 12:03pm
Oliver - I'm completely impressed with what a cute and well behaved dood you are! I know you make your mommy and daddy very proud and happy!
Comment by cheryl & oliver on July 30, 2010 at 10:22am
Thanks Allison, we were really surprised too, lol
Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on July 30, 2010 at 8:54am
This is a GREAT story. Wow Oliver is smart :)
Comment by cheryl & oliver on July 30, 2010 at 7:13am
Hi Shelly, this is Oliver here, just wanted to saqy ty for all the nice things you said about m4e. My Mom thinks I am a handsome fellow, and dapper is just what I am after I get groomed...I think I would like Tori, since my brother is an Austrailian Shepherd. He is kind of old, like Mom saqys I have to be gentle with him, he is 14 yrs old, but when I get with him, we play until he doesn't want to, and then he lets me know he is still in charge. He does give me lots of leeway, and I think he thinks I am this big galoot that was a little puppy not that long ago. I tower over him, but I am careful with him most of the time...I just don't like when he takes Mommy's attention, she is my Mommy and I need all her attention...I share my toys, but don't like sharing Mommy & Daddy with him...Anyway Aussies are very smart dogs too, so Tori has good genes on both sides...Oliver
Comment by shelly on July 30, 2010 at 6:31am
Awe! Good boy OLIVER... just goes to show you how smart these doodles are and how they can retain so much in their brain! Wish Tori could take lessons from you! Although my groomer says she's great with her.... one time my sister brought her dog to the (same) groomer on the same day and Tori was sitting in the crate patiently waiting that my own sister didn't even think it was her! LOL I am sure you look very dapper, Oliver!
Comment by cheryl & oliver on July 29, 2010 at 5:06pm
I am lucky, I have been using this groomer for years, so she charges me $40.00 once a month for his bath and tiding up. Then usually on the third month it is a full grooming...for that she charges me $90.00. I know it is a lot, but I just love the way he looks most of the time, lol. Of course when he gets into the dirt and really plays, well then I think why am I getting him groomed, lol....I just wish I could bathe and groom him, but I can't and I am sure that he would look just awful...I am not good with scissors, lol...And he is just too big for me to handle...
Comment by Camilla and Darwin on July 29, 2010 at 4:58pm
Good job Oliver! I love it when they are just groomed, bathed and dried. They smell and look so nice. Doesn't last very long though! :-)
Comment by cheryl & oliver on July 29, 2010 at 4:54pm
Jane, they do love him, everyone loves Oliver, lol, he doesn't know what the meaning of the word stranger means, and he is adored by both Ira and me...Ira has a picture of him on his phone and shows it to eveyone, lol..I have never seen my husband like this with a dog. He was terrible broken when our other Aussie died, he cried right with me, but this I can't believe...Oliver is his baby, and he was the one that said "no we are not getting another dog, no way no how", lol....
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on July 29, 2010 at 4:47pm
Oliver is too funny....and such a good boy. I'll bet they love having him at the groomer's. They're probably all fighting over who gets to groom this Dood.


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