Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


How my Doodle made me a better human being

Lucky came into my life after the first dog my fiance Paul and I rescued together passed away. Sahara was the first dog for Paul and the first dog I got living on my own.  We got her 8 years ago and she passed at 16 years old.  Our vet already considered her geriatric when I first rescued her.  No one wanted her because she was aggressive and old and had already been through 3 homes before us.  She was a very very very special dog to us.   We were depressed, sad, and cried every day.  We missed our big white fluffy dog! Even our cat yowled every day for a week.

Paul was reluctant to get a non-rescue dog but I wanted a service dog because I have profound deafness.  We are also thinking about starting our own human family within the next five years.  Some of our rescues had aggression problem and that would have never worked with a baby. 

Lucky has made a big impact on my life. The breeder named him Lucky and we decided to keep the name because it just felt right! His name is so perfect even our trainer believed we have lucked out with our puppy. 

Here is how he has changed my life for the better: 

1. Early Morning Riser: I get up at 5 am now every day. I go for a long walk with him and see the sun come up. No, he doesn't wake me up at this hour, I have a strict puppy schedule.   It is so nice to see the sun come up and over the lake every morning; it brightens your mood for the whole day. 

2. Sportier: I am more sporty and outdoorsy in general- I go kayaking, hiking, and biking (yep I have a trailer for him).  We even visited the beach, which I haven't done in years!

3. Eat healthier: We go to the farmers market on the weekends. Yep! The dog even inspires me to eat better! 

4. Happiness for all: As I walk Lucky out in the neighborhood, I see so many smiles. It warms my heart to know Lucky brings so much happiness to strangers.  

5. Help with disability: He is my hearing dog!! Helps with my hearing disability. I'm training Lucky to alert me to alarms, door, and telephone.  He knows to notify me even when I can't hear it.  

6. I'm in a better mood: He is so silly, he just makes me smile. I swear to you he has the cutest sit.  He enjoys sitting with his chest up and head back. One time he fell backward.  It is amazingly cute!

7. Sociable: I'm more confident and social. He is so friendly with everyone that so many strangers come up to him and chat with me.  Everyone loves to give him love.  I mean babies, toddlers, teenagers, adults, dogs of all sizes, cats, and even wild bunnies. I don't think I've ever met a better behaved dog.  My neighbor who has a fear of dogs just got a dog after meeting Lucky a few weeks ago.  She decided to rescue a medium poodle. Unfortunately, he doesn't have Lucky's personality and barks a lot. 

8. Emotional Support: Lucky made me get pass Sahara's death.  I miss Sahara so much and especially at night because she always slept at the foot of my bed.  When I cry, Lucky would get up the doggy stairs and put his head on my lap.  I can't believe how in tuned he is with my emotion!

9. DK forum:  Lucky made me join the doodlekiss forum and talk to you wonderful people here. It is a wonderful community of people who truly loves dogs.

10. Art Therapy: This forum has also revitalized my past hobby.  I've been painting since I was 3 years old and have an art minor from college.  I've stopped doing art since college and it has been 8 years. The photography club makes me dust off my Nikon and actually use my photoshop CC subscription! 

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Comment by DonMarie and Picco on September 14, 2016 at 11:05am

Sweet Lucky!  They do make us better people.  I've learned some good healthy habits and attitudes from Picco and he has found me some great friends.  We moved to SW Utah 3 years ago not knowing anyone here.  We joined a dog hiking group which was made up of people that also just moved to the area.  Everyone instantly fell in love with the very playful Doodle!  We all became friends and so did our dogs.

33bn7f8evnuyd Comment by 33bn7f8evnuyd on September 14, 2016 at 8:36am
Thank you guys so much! Doodles are very special.
Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on September 13, 2016 at 8:13pm

What a great story!! It seems like Lucky and you were meant for each other!!

Comment by Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau on September 13, 2016 at 8:03pm

Chen ~ thank you for sharing your beautiful story. I am so happy for you and Lucky! 

Comment by BG and Gavin on September 13, 2016 at 7:34pm
This made me smile. You are both very lucky indeed!
Comment by Jenny and Cooper on September 9, 2016 at 8:09pm
This is a very nice blog! You and Lucky are very lucky to have each other! :D
Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on September 9, 2016 at 10:50am

Chen, you are experiencing the wonderful things dogs can do for us (I am sure your others are special also), but some dogs seem to radiate and share their 'wonderfulness' more than others.  Lucky sounds like one of those really special ones (which I think doodles often are).  Congratulations.

Comment by Sam&Bella on September 9, 2016 at 5:09am

Doodles are the best! Lucky is so cute:) I don't remember if I commented on your service dog post, but if I didn't: Congratulations!!!! I am happy that Lucky is making you a better person! Bella has helped me with numbers 6,7,9. I was super shy before I got Bella, but when she goes up to people, we end up talking and having a conversation. (with the people of course:^)


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