Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

  • Female
  • Ft.Meade Maryland
  • United States
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Sam&Bella's Friends

  • Eva, Rosie and Otis
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  • Sheri Jansen
  • Katerina
  • Sara Bailey
  • Christa Staples
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  • Kristen Dunagan
  • Debbie W
  • Paula and Gracie
  • Collette Bonvillain
  • Chelsea kris
  • Carol Vernon

Sam&Bella's Discussions

Best Tiny Adorable Towns In Southern Ontario?? (Help) not doodle related..

Started this discussion. Last reply by andrea Jun 12, 2018. 10 Replies

Hello Everyone! I am temporarily back on DK.. (long long story)We are thinking about going to Southern Ontario in October, and on a hunt for some hidden, NON-touristy place, that looks like Europe…Continue

Should I Worry? Liquid poop:(

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie Oct 9, 2016. 15 Replies

Hello Again!Today, all of a sudden, Bella has pooped(I don't think I should even call it that) liquid since the afternoon. I know there is a lot of discussions about this, but each dog is different,…Continue

I Found Something For Minor Ear Probems!!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie Oct 3, 2016. 7 Replies

 Bella had a problem with her ear for the past few weeks. I waited a bit to see if it was just some water in her ear or something, but I had a feeling it was some sort of a minor infection.Don't get…Continue

Oh The Decisions!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Amy and Annabelle Oct 2, 2016. 37 Replies

Ok so, all these puppy discussions, have me re-thinking the breeder situation, and other problems I am going to explain:Problem 1- House- More than likely a house that will allow pets, will only…Continue

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Profile Information

About Me:
I love doodles!(and all dogs:) All kinds of doodles! But I only have one... for now! Bella is a 4th generation goldendoodle. PitaPata Dog tickers
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Goldendoodle- Bella- She is so adorable! She is a sweet, loving, doodle who likes to use her cuteness as an advantage. She also tries to be "tough", But really, how tough can a doodle be?!?.

We are planning to get another Goldendoodle from Bella's breeder, in the next 1-2 years!! The house that we are going to be living in, allows A dog, but they would prefer not to have any:( So we have to wait....
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
They are ADORABLE, and they don't shed. They have a great personality. I love Goldens,but not the shedding. So we decided this was the perfect mix for us:)
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Fetch,walk,play, go to the park, hike, and lots of other stuff!.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Groomers usually, but we started doing it ourselves!
Favorite Doodle Products?
Chuck-it balls, Grayhound comb,Nylabone,Kong,Halti, and alot more that I can't think of right now:)
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

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Comment Wall (89 comments)

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At 6:04am on October 20, 2016, Mindy said…
Thank you very much! He's such a bundle of joy!!
At 9:26am on October 17, 2016, LaurieC said…
Thank you! We are picking him up next week. We are so excited to have this little (soon to be big) man in our lives!
At 8:49am on October 17, 2016, sandra keyhani said…

Thank you so much.  We adopted one and received him on Friday! He is beautiful.  His name is Romeo!!!

At 2:35pm on October 12, 2016, julie said…

Well thank you for the Welcome.  What a great site.  Lola is sooo happy that she is on the site now.

At 7:47am on October 10, 2016, Bhargav Tadury said…

Thank you!

At 9:53pm on October 7, 2016, Nancy Powers said…

Thank you for the welcome! I have enjoyed reading and looking at the photos!

At 8:05pm on October 7, 2016, Rachel, Bailey and Sadie said…
Thank you so much!! I am excited about joining and have been enjoying this website.
At 10:59am on October 6, 2016, Anuradha Kothandaraman said…

Thank you! Excited to be part of the group! Good luck with your move!

At 10:14pm on October 5, 2016, Sheri Jansen said…

Thank you so much.  Miss him terribly.  Since meeting a goldendoodle, am excited to adopt again.

At 8:26am on October 5, 2016, Vicky Glendinning said…
Thank you,
Happy to be a part of this group!

Sam&Bella's Blog

The Nerve!!! Doodle Vent

Posted on October 1, 2016 at 2:56pm 13 Comments

Ok... I am a little upset at mommy! Aparently she thinks I am a horse! She got this thing called a "Gentle" Leadr. It goes around my face and pulls me! Why she got it? I don't know!!!! According to her, I pull? What? I am aksided... I try to chase a bird... But I can't go anywear. She classified THAT as pulling! Do any of you doodles have this problem too??

Second Problrm:: Tiny treats??? So She decided to get me thees, teeny tiny liittle treats at the pet store. She wants me to be…


It's Getting Cold Out There!

Posted on September 21, 2016 at 2:07pm 15 Comments

Hi Humans and dooldles!

Ooooooooo!!! I am getting exited! The fall is coming!

That means hiking, walking, more playing, and exploring! I get to be outside ALL DAY! 80% Tick free, and the misqitoes will be gone! So are any other doodles exited about this?? cuz I am! Then aftr the falling leaves, comes the falling snow! this will be my second winter and I can not wait! And since we are moving AGAIN it will be even colder!(to some degree... Pun intended!) oh yeah... that also…


Helllloooooo?.....Its Me!....BELLA!!... Qusetion for doodles

Posted on September 15, 2016 at 1:26pm 15 Comments

Hello Doodles!

I have a problem... My boyfriend  neighbor doesn't like me!

So this is how it begins... Everyday when I go outside, and Jet (that's his name) is outside too. So I keep saying OVER and OVER and OVER again: Bark Bark bark bark, gggrrrahhhhrraahoooohhrrrr!! (for humans that are reading, it means- Remember me? I am Bella! Can you please play with me??) And then, he  goes to his back door and says to his…


How I became a D.G. (initials to last name:)

Posted on September 6, 2016 at 4:49pm 5 Comments

Hello Again!!!!!

This is the cool story of how I became a D.G. doodle!

The humans story

Once upon a doodle, the D.G. fam were just searching for a labradoodle or goldendoodle the whole weekend. Apparently, they didn't reallly have tha intention of getting a dood. (little did they know...ha ha) Anyway, they went to 2 diff breeders and were not that impressed;^) On Sunday, they went to my biologikal mommys house, and my human grandmas house,and found the five of…



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