This weekend I got the chance to attend a dog training seminar. I couldn't go both day 1 and 2, only day 2 but am thrilled that I went even for that. The night before class 2 I got to have dinner with 7 other trainers and a couple others and I was just in heaven ... heehee.
The class was geared more towards trainers and based on a specific method (that Rosco and I did) and I learned a TON! Most everyone there had a dog (or more) with them so they could do some practice with their dog and those who didn't got to borrow one of the 'extra' dogs =) Essentially the trainer ran the class as if it was the full course and so we acted both as students and learned how to run classes in this style.
There were 4 Airedales, 3 labs, 1 Golden retriever, 1 Sheltie, two Pit bulls and my Rosco in attendance (both pits were seniors. One enjoyed her time snuggled under a blanket on a couch, the other snoozed in her crate).
I did great at imitating a 'dumb blond' when I was called on and always had the most embarrassing, hilarious (laughing half at me and half with me) answers. Rosco was a sweetie and held up well during some insanely long sit stays while we were lined up listening to our teacher. Lots of hands on with our dogs.
At the end we did a mock "graduation" day and all of us did the graduation exercise that would be expected of 'real students' except for one woman and her rescue airedale which hadn't had much she just watched.
All in all it was a fabulous Sunday and I absolutely adore traveling with my sweet boy. He only did one naughty thing the whole time and that was upon entering our doggy friendly hotel ... and sniffing around a bit... he lifted his leg onto a table leg! Ewww! He's never marked indoors, but then again I've never lived anywhere where OTHER dogs have likely marked indoors for him to respond to...LOL.
Sadly I didn't take a SINGLE photo...what was I thinking?
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