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Hi it's me, Kai! Mommy & Daddy say I am doing great! They are amazed at how smart I am. I sit when they tell me and am working on down but sometimes I am so excited it's all I can do to sit.
I do have one issue. Mommy took me to the nice doctor and he said I play in the water too much. I like to get in the shower with Daddy in the morning to wake up. I have these fountain things in my backyard and I like to run through them and bark at them to stop. (Sometimes they even listen)
The doctor gave Mommy medicine for my ears he said I have a yeast infection, whatever, I just know they itched but are much better now. Mommy need to know how to get the hair out of my ears, I cry when she does it so she doesn't like to but keeps saying it's for "my own good" Love, snuggling and play are for my own good pulling hair from my ears just hurts and makes Mommy feel bad too. So I thought I would ask all my doodlekisses friends how their Mommy's and Daddy's get the hair out of their ears so my Mommy doesn't have to feel so bad and we can do something important like snuggle.
dictated but not read :-)
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