Until Samantha my dogs were never allowed on the sofas - only in our bed. Funy how the little things don't seem to matter as you age - I just love having them close. Selfish - oh yeah!!!.
T - you thinking about getting another??? When and if you are ready I can help find you a rescue - of course for Jordan's sake! LOL
I never thought about having more babies after the 2nd was born - 26 years ago. Good thing too, otherwise there would be no room or money left for the doodles.
What's next - more doodles of course! Take another vacation! LOL
I have always napped - even in college from 4-5pm - MY time! Missed out on naps for 20 years raising the girls. The doodles love to nap with me - hence the picture but they decided I should nap someplace else; they wanted my sofa but I wasn't giving it up without a fight!! I lost but what a way to go - surrounded by 3 superDoodles!!!!
I am packing - see you in about 2 weeks - have to take lots of P&P spots with the girls!
pfffft I am your age! But I had the grand idea of having more babies a few years ago when the beginning of the midlife crisis began. Now its dogs,....whats next? LOL! I guess I will nap when I am 80.
Come to BC and visit me. You can give me some design tips. Your home is lovely.
At my age it taking a nap is a necessity of life!! Especially now with a very active puppy!
And thanks - I spent months designing it - every cabinet, drawer and shelf had it's 'job' before before I ordered it. Just a tad OCD! I got 1 shot at designing a kitchen in my life and I wanted it to be perfect for me.
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