Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Yesterday, I received an e-mail from Ernie's breeder, Debbie, written in Ernie's mom's voice. Her name is Dazzle, or Dazz for short. Because it was soo stinking cute, I'm going to copy and paste the original e-mail from Ernie's mom here, as well as my reply, in Ernie's voice!

From Dazzle, Ernie's mom:

Hope you had a safe trip home (and hope your new “mom” said “yes” to you and Andy). Be a good boy and make us proud!


Dazzle and the Zippity Doodles Gang

From Ernie, back home:


I miss you, my brothers and Zippity Doodles so much! I slept for 5 straight hours last night! After that it got harder, but I did really well early on! I'm having tons of fun with my new family and exploring the sites and sounds of the busy city in Denver. I've been learning so much already! Mommy and Daddy already taught me how to use the computer and let me use Daddy's gmail account to send you a message. They've also started me on something called "crate training." I don't care too much for it right now, but I'll go with the flow and try it out!

My new mommy wasn't home yet when I got here. In fact, she didn't even know I was coming to live with them! Dad is such a sucker! Anyway, she was so surprised and excited to see me. Daddy took a video of it and put it on YouTube! You should watch it!
Here's the link. After that, she was looking through all MY stuff in my kennel and there was a box in there that didn't belong to me! New Mommy looked inside the box and it was a ring! Then, Daddy asked Mommy to marry him! She thought about it for exactly 1.5 seconds - I had my stopwatch out - and said yes! We're going to be together for a long, long time!

We went to a really cool and fun Veterinarian this morning. He loved me a lot and said I was VERY healthy! I also got to meet a nice woman whose own doggy had just passed away. Mommy and Daddy let her hold me for a while and she said it made her feel better. I like helping people out! Everyone at the Vet's office really liked me!

I found a new favorite hiding spot in my new home. I attached a couple pictures Daddy took of me in my new hiding spot. That should calm your fears about how I'm doing! Anyway, we're going to the store pretty soon to get some other stuff for me, so I better get moving, but I wanted to share the good news with you about Mommy liking me AND Daddy! Time will tell which one of us she likes more!

Love and miss you,


Oh, and here are a couple of videos of Ernie messing around.

Ernie with the mirror!

Ernie's first ice cube!

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Comment by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty on April 2, 2012 at 6:56pm

Oh what a cutie. Ernie is the best name! Congratulations to all of you! Thanks for sharing your journey with us!

Comment by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla on April 2, 2012 at 2:00pm

You have one lucky mommy! Glad you are adjusting well and have a happy new family! You are adorable!

Comment by Doris, Knox & Flash on April 1, 2012 at 8:11pm

I am so glad your mommy said "Yes!"  Somehow, I knew she would! ;)

Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on April 1, 2012 at 4:04pm

Love your name, love the videos, Ernie.  You are one cute and lucky puppy.

Comment by BG and Gavin on April 1, 2012 at 9:09am

He is so huggable!  Glad he is settling in so well!

Comment by F, Calla & Luca on April 1, 2012 at 7:38am

Glad to hear Ernie is doing well. Around here I am known as F : )

Comment by Katie, Andy, and Ernie! on April 1, 2012 at 7:24am

Thanks, everyone for the congratulations! Ernie is doing well, sleeping more at night and meeting new people and trustworthy puppies! We're having tons of fun!

Comment by Katie, Andy, and Ernie! on April 1, 2012 at 7:23am

Thanks, Parker, Calla, and Luca. We've since done quite a bit of puppy proofing. Unfortunately, our current residence is quite small. We'll be moving very shortly to a bigger place, with more space for our stuff and a nicer play area for Ernie! He's doing so well!

Comment by Donna K & Quincy on March 31, 2012 at 3:57pm

Ernie, you are so stinkin cute.

Comment by Jane, Rooney & Stuart on March 31, 2012 at 3:08pm

Ernie is a cutie pie - and congrats to you all!


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