Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Fortunately March is a long month. Perhaps thats the reason for so many Doodle birthdays?? At any rate, we have cause for celebration in March along with several of our Doodle friends. And as Jarka already mentioned, there are a few on the same date. Daphne is now a big 2 year old and Lucy just turned 5.

Daphne & Lucy are Mother & daughter and their birthdays fall so close to each other (March 1 & 6) we decided to celebrate them together on one day.  Now I know there are those that say, "don't do it, let them each have their own day". I didn't listen when my human children had close birthdays (October 1 & 16) and Im not listening now either. Although next year, I probably will take separate birthday pictures. Its just too much work to get them both doing what I ask at the same time! (Laurie, I know you feel my pain!) 

Here in Florida, we had a horrible week of nothing but rain and grey overcast skies. I knew THOSE would be horrible pictures so I decided to wait for a beautiful blue sky day. I had such elaborate plans in my head and just knew the pictures would be perfect. We got the Doggie cake and balloons and got ready for our party and "glamour shots"! HA!

Daphne and Lucy have such very different personalities. Lucy is the sweet girl who just wants to love and be loved. She will do whatever I ask and wear whatever silly costume I want her to wear without complaint. She just simply refuses to look at me or in the direction of the camera. It doesn't matter what goofy noise I make or how high pitched my scream is, she does her best to just look in the other direction and act bored! This is the best I could get of the two of them together. She is only "slightly" looking away.

Then there is Daphne, or as my DD calls her the "Perfect Princess"! Double HA! Daphne saw the balloons in the car on the ride home with them. She wasn't too happy with them but not really distressed either. I gave her time to get used to them and let her sniff them all she wanted. Everything was fine..until the wind started blowing just enough to make those balloons move.. Daphne saw those Doodle eating Balloons get closer to her and decided she had had enough!

She left Lucy to enjoy the festivities on her own.

I did get some pretty cute individual pictures after many, many tries!

I then decided to go another route and just take pictures without the birthday girls.

They looked so unhappy, I decided to give it another try. As you can see, I had to move those Doodle Eating Balloons far, far away from the "Princess"!

FINALLY! The torture has ended and we get to eat the cake!

Daphne & Lucy would like to wish all the March Doodle babies a "Very Happy Birthday"!!!

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Comment by Gail and Bailey on March 15, 2014 at 8:33am

Happy Birthday to Daphne and Lucy!!  Love the pictures!!  They both look so pretty!

Comment by Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa on March 13, 2014 at 1:46pm

Thank you Bonnie! It was a lot of fun!

Comment by Bonnie and Kona on March 12, 2014 at 10:35pm

These photos are adorable! Lori, you are a magician. I can't imagine how you did this, but it sure looks like a fun birthday celebration to me. What a couple of cutie pies you have! 

Comment by Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa on March 12, 2014 at 6:24pm

We all really appreciate all the birthday wishes and the nice comments! DK is such a great place for good friends!!!

Nancy, LOVE the "card"! Adorable.

Sheri- No I got the cake at a local doggie boutique. DH would LOVE for you to have that pool instead of us! 

Comment by Lynda Kamrath on March 11, 2014 at 8:20pm

Very cute photos.  Your girls look like they totally enjoyed their birthdays.

Comment by Janie, Jackson and Jilly on March 11, 2014 at 5:14pm

Just love the photos, the birthday girls are the cutest!!

Comment by Pat and Traveler on March 11, 2014 at 8:15am

Love the pictures and the story that goes with them.  Happy birthday, doodles!

Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on March 11, 2014 at 7:49am

Lucy and AnnaBelle are happy to share their birthday month with Lucy and Daphne.  That cake is so cute and looks yummy!  Did you make it?  Love all the photos.  They are so cute.  Wish I had a pool in my back yard as a back drop! 

Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 11, 2014 at 4:48am

Happy Birthday beautiful girls!

Comment by Karen and Ruston on March 11, 2014 at 1:22am
Happy Birthday! Love the photos.


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