Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Okay, it's been a few days, and yes there's more "stuff" going on with my Doods. And yes, that means another blog. So, here goes...

The most important thing is that Murph went to the Vet today for his "post neuter" check up. The Vet thought everything looked great. I did admit to her that I took the cone off a "day or two" early (actually three days) and we let the boys start to play together before today (actually Saturday). She was certainly not shocked...I think they extend the times thinking everyone will actually "shorten them". We took Guinness with us, because for him going to the Vet is a party. He loves it there. As soon as we pull into the parking lot he gets all excited...tail wagging and his "happy whining". From the minute we walk through the door the Vet Techs (all young girls) start "lovin him up". Kisses, hugs, carrying him around, telling him how cute he name it, and he's in total heaven. Plus they sneak him treats every chance they get....they know how particular I am about healthy treats. Now they are doing the same thing with Murphy (except there's no possible way they could pick him up). They get right down on the floor so they can give him the same attention that they are giving his brother....although it's not quite the same if you're not being held in the arms of one of these cute young girls. Anyway, Murph was thinking this was a really good thing (of course). At that point the Vet came in (she's also a big cuddler) and she starts with the kisses and hugs. Now my Murphy is totally interested...tail wagging and just a very happy guy. Guinness decides that Murph is getting way too much attention at this point, and makes a little growling noise and "bats" the "big lug" with his paw...trying to knock him away from the Vet. Now Guinness weighs 17 pounds and Murph weighs 32 pounds, so that just wasn't going to work. But it really didn't matter because Murphy got the point and completely "backed off". The Vet said it was quite clear who was the alpha dog in this pack. Made me laugh at the little Dood being the boss.

There was another "ant incident" tonight. Again a big black carpenter ant comes crawling across the foyer....Guinness runs away scared while Murph has it as his dinner appetizer.

Murphy is completely "fed up" with area rugs and bath mats. He is making it "his personal goal" to get every one out of this house. He rounds them all up and piles them up out in our hallway. I put them back, and in a matter of a few minutes they're back out in the hall. He doesn't chew them our eat them (yet)...just gets them moved out and piled up in one place.

I could go on and on...but that's it for this installment. My days are now filled with goofiness with these two Doodle boys....such a nice way to live.

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Comment by Kathy Brady on May 5, 2010 at 5:23pm
Great stories, Jane! Tully is terrified of bugs...and butterflies...and wind...I could go on and on. He HATES the pillows (there are lots) on our bed, so after it's made and I go off to work, the first task of the day is throwing the pillows off , and if there's a little extra energy, he takes the top sheet in his mouth and turns down the bed. Of course, it's not for us, it's for him! I think he thinks that some day, when he achieves world domination (by licking and loving said world into submission!) we will provide a turn down service for him, complete with chicken strips on the pillows (after we put them all back on the bed). I have Labs and Goldens all my life and each of them was a delight, but these Doods, they are something else!
Comment by DeeDee and Sheila on May 5, 2010 at 4:14pm
Oh, how cute!!! The rug thing is just hilarious. Just think of the problem solving ability--heehee. Sheila is taking the move very well I think. I can tell she is nervious though, just knowing something is up, but not quite what. She is chewing her bones alot more. She also seeks "comfort" places, like a couple of our blankets that are in piles to move. She curls up and sleeps there instead of her old haunts. I've tried to make it easier for her by going over to the new house every day, going potty over there, having toys, etc. And the construction guys love her. But I have to be SOOO careful-today she was pulling out insulation in the sunroom w/ me RIGHT THERE. Then she has almost, come oh so close, to sticking her nose in the trim paint. She is just SO FAST. I have a wire x pen set up over there, but she hates it. I can get her to lay on a towel in the bay window and watch traffic. This weekend is the final push. I'm so nervous. My husband is all moved over there and sleeps on a pallet here. But I won't go until I know its safe for Sheila. Yiikes, I hate moving. NIce to hear the cool stories of your guys. They sound like such a pair. I'd love to give them each hugs.
Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on May 5, 2010 at 7:06am
Funny doods. I think that is one of the bigger bennies of having more than one dog; the amusement that comes from their interactions with one another.
Comment by The Berry Oaks Doodle Ranch on May 5, 2010 at 3:08am
Oh, I look forward to your blogs so much...I read them to my husband all the time. I'm glad also that Murphy checked out ok at the vet. These doodles are alot of entertanment.
Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on May 5, 2010 at 12:43am
If you get a doggy door, Murphy could take those nasty, dirty rugs outside and shake them for you!
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on May 4, 2010 at 10:18pm
I love Guinness and Murphy stories! I'd love to have seen Guinness telling Murphy to stop hogging all the attention! And Murph the Exterminator and Rug Re-arranger! What did you ever do for entertanment before doodles????
Comment by Beth Lord on May 4, 2010 at 8:40pm
Funny doodles! :) I just posted on my blog yesterday about Alfie's trip to the vet -- he's just like your 2, adores going there! Glad he's doing well. :)
Comment by Nancie & Gracie Doodle on May 4, 2010 at 6:46pm
I love hearing your Guinness and Murphy stories. If I could be guaranteed a Doodle life of two just like yours, I would get a second Doodle. I have my big huge Gracie Doodle who is a Queen in our life. She is very tall but slim and weighs in at 70 lbs. Her birthday is this month on the 18th and she will be 3 yrs. We don't have a very large house and I just can't picture another "gracie doodle" size dog. When my daughter's Luna (Rhodesian Ridgeback 10 mos.) comes down for a visit we are all dog in the house!! No room for people! lol
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on May 4, 2010 at 6:01pm
When I am asked why I have 2??? I tell them that's easy, they each make us giggle with their different antics and personalities. Life is wonderful with doodles!!
Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on May 4, 2010 at 5:18pm
Wow, I needed Murphy back in 1995 when we sold our house in CT. On the buyers home inspection they found Carpenter ants ..... I had never heard of them. They acted like they were termites and made us get the house treated for them before closing. Ended up costing us a few hundred dollars. And to think, all I needed was a doodle! hummmmm


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