Yesterday was quite a day. Now I know why I'm such an advocate of early spay/neuter (like before you even pick them up). It was Murphy's day to lose his manhood, and let me say he is NOT A HAPPY CAMPER! I brought him to the Vet yesterday morning at 8:00. It was awful. He was scared from the time we walked in the door. He just "hugged my legs", and then when the Vet Tech came to get him he got really upset. I felt so bad leaving him. I worried all day, but we got to go pick him up at 3:00. He was so "flipping out" when he saw us. We got him home, and then there was the problem of how to separate the "Irish Brothers". Guinness has been tethered to me since 3:00 yesterday, and he just doesn't understand it at all. Murphy's pain meds seem to have worn off and now he's feisty...very feisty. I just gave him his morning pill.... let's hope that helps. I am in the guest room and have him "baby gated" into the adjoining bathroom where he can see me. He just tried to "jump the gate". The Vet said to expect that he would put on a "show" for us. He is after all the "Drama King". He hasn't disappointed...lots of pathetic whining, which of course breaks my heart and he knows it.
The worst part is the "cone of shame". He hates it, and it really does border on animal cruelty in my mind. He's bumping into everything, and has managed to get out of it three times already. He wants to lap his incision so bad....
Last night he came running upstairs with a paper hanging out of his mouth. He was proud of himself that he was able to "steal" something even with a cone. I caught him and pulled it out of him mouth. It was the Vet bill for his surgery...he must have pulled it out of my purse. How ironic is that. He had a pretty good night, although he was restless in the crate. Right now the challenge is to keep them from will be a very long week. Here are a few pictures of my pathetic boy.
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