Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

If you have liked the videos I have posted--you'll LOVE these. The first one shows "sugar donut" who just may be the world's cutest puppy, ;) trying to get his sleeping brothers to play.

Link to the first video:


The second video is so much fun--lots of wrestling action in this one and everyone gets involved!!

Here is the link: 

The puppies are getting more active as you can see and we are going to move them to a pen tomorrow, which means that Mattie will finally get to see them--through a fence! They are just starting to eat some food and have been pretty good at doing their business on the paper--smart little pups! 

And finally a few new pics of "sugar donut" and "twinkletoes"--more coming!

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Comment by Ginny Nightingale on January 27, 2011 at 7:06pm
Yeah, they do grow up fast! The pen has made a big hit with them and they move around a lot more now that they have freedom. My breeder sells the puppies and has 3 sold. I am keeping the black and white one and he will be a stud dog for her breeding program if he passes all his health tests. So there is one left. If you want to know particulars, send me a private message.
Comment by Pam and Ginger Snap on January 27, 2011 at 5:18pm
They make my 13 week puppy look HUGE!  Are they all sold?
Comment by Bonnie and Kona on January 27, 2011 at 8:31am
Thank you so much for continuing to post photos and videos. It is delightful to see your little pups.
Comment by Carol and Banjo on January 27, 2011 at 4:52am
Ginny - You're a WONDERFUL doodle mom yourself!  Great setup.  I would love to be witness to each day with these little guys!  Enjoy and keep the pics and vids coming.
Comment by BG and Gavin on January 27, 2011 at 4:31am

Nice set-up.  I think I could be comfortable there!

Comment by Ginny Nightingale on January 26, 2011 at 7:48pm

Let's try that again-- my computer did something weird with my last comment--

Glad everyone is getting some warm fuzzy time! This is so much fun--I don't even mind it when they pee right on the nice clean bed right after I changed it--how can you be annoyed at something so cute!?

Today was a big day for the pups. After a busy morning of playing and visiting with mom, I introduced them to some mashed up puppy chow--some got right into that--and a bowl of water--that wasn't so interesting. My friend brought over her 4 year old and 7 year old to meet the puppies. Lyric and Mattie were so happy to see little kids! The puppies were fine with them and slept on their laps as the kids petted them. A few of the puppies have gotten a few teeth, so I was careful that they didn't chew on my little guests. 

Then we made the big move --to the downstairs of the house. We moved the puppies to a pen in the family room today which means that Mattie met them for the first time. She was very excited and the puppies liked her too--but she can only smell them for now through the pen walls--they are too small to meet her up close. Lyric growled at her at first, but I corrected her and she didn't do it again--whew! 

My hubby and I went out to the movies tonight and I spent quite a bit of the time worrying about the puppies in the new pen and whether or not I was wise to leave them in there alone so soon after moving them--but when we got home, they were all curled up in the crate section sleeping and all was well.

 Here is a picture of the setup.

and from another angle:

Comment by Ginny Nightingale on January 26, 2011 at 7:41pm

Glad everyone is getting some warm fuzzy time! This is so much fun--I don't even mind it when they pee right on the nice clean bed right after I changed it--how can you be annoyed at something so cute!?

Today was a big day for the pups. After a busy morning of playing and visiting with mom, I introduced them to some mashed up puppy chow--some got right into that--and a bowl of water--that wasn't so interesting. My friend brought over her 4 year old and 7 year old to meet the puppies. Lyric and Mattie were so happy to see little kids! The puppies were fine with them and slept on th

Comment by Camilla and Darwin on January 26, 2011 at 2:20pm
I love having these puppy updates to look forward to... SO cute!
Comment by Carol and Banjo on January 26, 2011 at 1:36pm
This is an overdose of "warm and fuzzy"!!!
Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on January 26, 2011 at 7:35am
Very, very cute.  I love the little puppy noises they make.  And OH, I bet you are loving all that puppy breath.


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