Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

It has been a bit hard on the us as everyone has a hard time going out in this heat. I love to try my hand at grooming so everyone had summer cuts. I am having a groomer come by next week to give me some tips on how to fine tune the style. I am determined to groom my own dogs in style. Right now, I spent about 3 hours every 3 weeks, trying to get it just right. That's 3 hours each.

As it is right now, everyone wants to stay in most off the day and play outside at night and in the early morning. They still have their goofy times, especially Zane. We keep the puppy pool full and cool. Drought times aren't easy. It did manage to rain a tiny bit today and we all frolicked a bit in the rain.

How is everyone else doing in these crazy weather times? If we lived in other parts of the country, I would be teaching my dogs water rescue skills!

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Comment by Phyllis & Duffy on June 9, 2011 at 11:30am
We were taking Duffy to Petsmart. Sometimes he looked ok, others he did not.  Three times they shaved him down because he was "knotted."  They just didn't want to take the time to do it properly and it was easier to zip off all his hair.  The 3rd time was the last.  I told them they would never see him there again.  We invested in good clippers (about $200) and we, well my husband, trims his coat about every 2 - 3 weeks.  We've gotten really good too at keeping the knots out also.  It just takes time, but you'll get there.  We're in SW Houston, no real rain here.
Comment by Ellen, Brûlée, and Tira on June 9, 2011 at 5:55am

Wow, guess we're in the minority here in Utah.  Just saw the weather report, and we are finally getting into the upper 70s this week.  We range between 66 and 78...Sounds great, but we have been so wet that we've hardly had a chance to get out.  Even had an inch of snow the first week in June!  It will probably jump into the 90s soon!  Going to the park, today, for a little play-time.

Comment by Christine & Shelby on June 8, 2011 at 10:03am
Shelby got her first summer shave down in early May - it was already that hot here in TX.  Early morning walks, evening walks as the sun is going down or just after.  Visits to our local dog park which has a pond for swimming (only about 10 minute drive) and of course.... the sprinklers.   During evening walks - if someone is watering their lawn I will let Shelby play in the water to cool down.   Most home owners find it hillarious and are just fine with it.   Not to mention - if I am running my sprinklers in the evening - I will let her run, play, frolic and wear herself out.   Lots of indoor and/or late night fetch in the yard!
Comment by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla on June 8, 2011 at 8:30am
Good luck with the grooming, it's been only 2 days in the upper 90's here and my doodles are happy to sleep inside in the cool floor. they will get their walks in later tonight I can hardly get Chloe to go in the yard to go potty she hates it!
Comment by Clifford, Cloud, Jake..and Kim on June 8, 2011 at 1:53am

It's headed to the uppers 90s in Michigan today and no rain.  We had so much rain a few weeks ago but you'd never know it by how hard the ground is right now!  I figure the rain will hit this weekend as my son graduates and we have his party.  The doodles don't understand why we don't let them play outside as often - they don't seem to mind the heat if playtime is involved.  (Baby pools are big scary things at our house, won't go anywhere near them.)

Comment by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on June 7, 2011 at 8:41pm
We mostly stay inside...and when it's cabin fever time we give in and take her to BowWow beach to swim. Not sure it's worth the 1-1/2 hours to swim and then have to take a 1-1/2 hour groom afterward. We also pull out the house and she loves that. Got a plastic pool but the only way she gets in is if one of us goes in with her.
Comment by Dori & Rua on June 7, 2011 at 7:36pm
We hit 99 today.  I made an appointment at the groomers next week.  I want a scissor cut because I want a longer cut than the clippers will give.  I asked how much a scissor cut would be and she said $60.00.  Considering I paid $45 for her puppy cut (and I had just paid $15.00 the week before for eye trim and sani and nails), I didn't blink.  I think she was hoping that I said, NAH, that's OK, just do clippers.  I do really want to groom Rua myself, but I don't have the right equipment, I am going to take her body down to 1-1/2" and her legs to 2".  She is REALLY long right now.
Comment by Susan, Zeke. Lily & Jasper on June 7, 2011 at 4:38pm
Record setting temps near Chattanooga.  All 3 doods have short cuts, also not taking long  walks.  The doodles are racing each other to the AC vents.
Comment by Linda and Murphy on June 7, 2011 at 3:41pm
Hot in New Orleans. We did get a bit of a drizzle yesterday...first rain in 49 days.
Comment by Shelby and Kev on June 7, 2011 at 12:42pm
Hot in Tulsa!  Shelby loves the tile floor and late evening to do's.


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