Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am angling for a new rule in our household!  Jeff is still staunchly opposed to having Milt in the bed, but I attempting to shift the "No Dog in the Bed" rule to "No Dog in the Bed on WEEKNIGHTS."  This past Saturday night, we went out with friends to a party, and when we got home, both Jeff and I hopped into bed.  I encouraged Milt to jump up on our bed, and Jeff did not throw too much opposition my way, which was a good sign.  We snuggled in with Milt between us, and, let me tell you, my Jeffery was wrapped all around that Milton.  Our doodle certainly is a charmer, but at 60-lbs in our double bed, he eventually hopped out because he was too warm and really couldn't find an awful lot of good space.

Big guy in the bed

Midway through the night, Jeff got up to sleep on the couch due to a tender tummy (He ate a big, ole hamburger at that party, and I am surprised I felt as well as I did after consuming a fried bologna sandwich!).  Of course, I cajoled Milton to get right back into bed with me, and it was the perfect space for a Momma and her dog.  Wouldn't you know it, but Jeff tried to return to bed in the early morning hours.  He was not as tolerant of the Milt dog this time, especially when the Milt got into scratching himself with a little bit of licking and biting while we were trying to sleep.

Blinking back sleep

Well, I began to doze off, and then <BOOM> I heard a thud.  Milton was lying in a heap at the foot on the bed on the floor!  How did that occur you might ask?  I have ascertained that Jeff gave him one swift kick to claim the bed back as his own.  I told my husband that there are dog protective agencies out there that would come down hard on him for something like this, but he just blew me off.

Thank goodness Milt dog is the forgiving sort.  I think he'll make his way back into bed this Friday again, especially when his Momma helps to pull him up!

To read more about Milton the Goldendoodle visit

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Comment by Debb, Lucy & Oscar on February 8, 2013 at 6:13pm

This is a funny discussion. Allowing Lucy to sleep with us didn't happen until we were on a beach vacation when Lucy was about 1 to 1-1/2 yrs old and we all crammed into a queen size bed (it simply wouldn't have happened with a full size bed!). From that point forward we knew Lucy would be okay in our bed. I like to sleep unencumbered, so I always protest when Lucy tries to lay against me. Tim, however, will allow Lucy to push him, quite literally, off the bed. I've often seen her sleeping right up against his legs with him practically hanging off the side of the bed. I think once he actually fell over the side!  He says he won't push her back because she's sleeping so comfortably and he doesn't want to disturb her. Mind you, we have a king-sized bed. Me? I have no problem whatsoever pushing her back the moment she lays against me... LOL! Once Oscar gets the go-head to join us it will be very interesting to see how the bed logistics pan out. He'll be topping out at about 65lbs so its looking like I'll inevitably have to make some sacrifices to my 'personal space'.

Comment by Kaytlin and Cooper on February 8, 2013 at 6:00pm

wow is Milt already 60lbs? it seems only yesterday he was a tiny ball of fur in your arms!

Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on February 7, 2013 at 6:52pm

You just need a bigger bed - problem solved.

Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow &amp; Lacey on February 7, 2013 at 4:25pm

Yep, I agree, time for a king size bed.  Our pack starts out in bed with us which even with a king is crowded with 3 dogs, DH and I.  But Harlow and Lacey go to their own beds once lights are out as they get too warm in our bed.

Comment by Jarka, Monty & Auggie on February 7, 2013 at 3:24pm

Time for a king size bed!  Our doods don't spend the night on the bed since they are too hot and prefer sleeping in their own beds or on the bathroom foor. However, once my husband gets up in the morning, both dogs hop in for some more nap time with mommy. I just LOVE it! But even king size bed is a bit crowded when all four of us are in there.

Comment by Lonnie &amp; Libby Lu on February 7, 2013 at 1:13pm

Heidi, that is exactly how Libby ended up in our bed every night.  We started out with week ends (DH objected) only too and I was very happy and Libby was in Heaven.  Well Libby did NOT understand week ends only and now she sleeps with us every single night!  I couldn't stand her sad eyes and her confusion as to why she wasn't allowed on the bed M-F.  DH is still not the happiest, well at least that is what he says, but I think deep down inside he is liking it a little.   Is there a enough room for the three of us, not exactly, but we make it work for the sake of a "Doodle":)

Comment by Joanna, Zoe & Bender on February 7, 2013 at 12:13pm
You need a bigger bed!


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