One of our neighbors down the road has been having some major landscape work done on their front and back yards. The landscapers have been there for several weeks, doing everything from all new plants and trees to a brick driveway.
Penny and walk by there every morning on our walk - the men always smile and say hello.
The work is now finished and the guys were cleaning up this morning. As Penny and I came around the curve, I overheard one guy say to his foreman, "Hey... here comes your girlfriend."
Uh-oh, I thought. Now I'm gonna have to fend off some wolf and tell him no, I can't go out with you, I'm married.
As we approached the guy got down on his knees, and yelled, "There she is! Come here you beautiful pooch!"
Penny went nuts. I about died. It was HER he's crazy about, not me!
He spent the next 5 minutes fawning over her and telling her how much he loved her.
I, apparently, am chopped liver.
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