Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Today, on the way home from our shop, we saw a little dog that almost went across the street. Everybody who saw her stopped their cars and one was about to get out. Then, (Thank God!) she ran onto the sidewalk. I got out of the car and started walking after her (I didn't want to chase her because she might run out into the street again). We walked all the way down the sidewalk (she was still ahead of me). Then, she all of a sudden crossed the street again. I got worried and I ran across the street (this time I was running) and we got to the sidewalk and she immediately crouched down and pooed and peed out of fear.:( I put my hand on her neck and my dad came running across the street to help. Guess what? I realized she was pregnant! She is a little chihuahua. She is very young. She is probably going to have her puppies soon. It seems like someone had just dumped her. I am not sure though because she seemed well taken care of. Right now, she is in the one crate in our shop with food and water. I hope she is okay through the night. There were no shelters open (it was about 11:30pm). I didn't take any pictures yet but she is a cutie:) I am so glad I caught her. I couldn't have watched her get run over and die. My dad said he could feel the puppies kicking when he carried her:) She is very much a people dog. As soon as we got her into the crate, she wagged her tail and everything:) I hope she has an owner that comes to get her or she will get one soon:)

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Comment by Taylor & Huff on March 29, 2011 at 11:18am
Oh and by the way, this lady is not just some random lady, we knew her before. I know she will take good care of her.:) No news yet about puppies though.
Comment by Taylor & Huff on March 28, 2011 at 11:00pm
Thanks everyone so much!:) Luckily, a lady we knew that has a lot of dogs that she takes care of (she knows how to birth puppies more than we do) was driving by our shop and offered to take her. We let her take her. I figured she had a better chance of keeping the puppies alive. She has done it many times before and one puppy she helped deliver was not breathing but she revived her. I think she is in good hands. She said that she was very ready to have puppies. haha:) I don't know what I would have done but I was looking forward to seeing the puppies:) She is going to send us pictures and bring the puppies when they are born. I hope she is okay.:)
Comment by Colleen, Jake & Baxter on March 28, 2011 at 10:12pm


Thank you for going above and beyond what most people would have done - and thank your Dad too!  Jake, foster dog, "Catch" and I are sending prayers and best wishes your way!


Comment by Taylor & Huff on March 28, 2011 at 10:03pm
Ya, I think I am going to call the vet and see what they say. If it is going smoothly, we might be able to do it ourselves. I know a little bit about puppy birth from watching Ustream videos. If she doesn't have problems, We might be able to do it. We have to take her temperature....I will keep posts throughout the night so if you want...keep watching for more. I might be a few hours though, by the looks of it. She is falling asleep now. We will most likely end up staying with her through the night.
Comment by Taylor & Huff on March 28, 2011 at 9:55pm
Uh-Oh! I think it is puppy time... she keeps licking herself. We will have to wait and see.
Comment by Kaytlin and Cooper on March 28, 2011 at 9:51pm

you have done a wonderful thing - you have just saved more than 1 life.

maybe she escaped and her owners are looking for her. or maybe they threw her out because they didnt want to deal with puppies. They should have been responsible and had her neutered. She is just a baby herself from the sounds of it. i hope you find a good shelter or rescue organization to take her. they will know about whelping and will be able to do something if the birth goes wrong.

keep us updated.

Comment by Taylor & Huff on March 28, 2011 at 9:42pm
Uh oh! Huff just went to sniff her and she snapped! haha:) I guess that is what he gets. We are going to try other shelters (no kill) tomorrow:)
Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on March 28, 2011 at 9:36pm
Taylor, good job!  She is beautiful. I hope you can keep her until the rescue organization can get her. I am so glad that your dad won't take her to the kill shelter - I think it is the one Clancy was at. Also try the Mary Roberts Pet adoption Center in Riverside - perhaps they have room for her.
Comment by Sally, Ditzy Mitzi & Sgt. Pepper on March 28, 2011 at 6:43pm

Caitlin reminded me that the chihuahua pups also have fontanels (soft spots) on their heads just like any other babies and really need to handled with tlc, just like any other babies!  Hope all works out well and let us know

when the pups are born !  Good Luck!   We will be following your post with best wishes for all of you!

Comment by Ginny Nightingale on March 28, 2011 at 6:39pm

Wow--great job Taylor, but you really need to get her to a vet to do an Xray to see how many pups she is having (that way you know if she has finished delivering them) and how big the pups are (just in case the dad was a bigger breed and she can't deliver them.) I raise labradoodles and dogs don't have as easy a time as cats do--it requires some knowledge to make sure it all goes smoothly.  Maybe there is someone who raises puppies in your area who would be willing to help you. Your local vet might know someone.

Hopefully, you will be able to find a rescue organization before the puppies are actually born. You can take her temperature (rectally) and if it is over 100 degrees, you might still have a few days. If it starts to go down below 99 for 12 hours and she is panting a lot, then birth is happening within the next 24 hours.

Good luck!!


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