Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well, now it's getting interesting. The good, the bad, and the ugly... We've seen all three within the last few weeks. Remy is STILL the most adorable sweet boy we could have. However, it appears his lack of early socialization is causing a few unusual issues. After a few car rides involving profuse drooling and vomiting, Remy REFUSES to get in or go near the car. He bucks like a bronco whenever we even go out for a walk if he has to walk past the car. I'm at a loss, since we want to take him to "fun" places like the dog park to play with other dogs his size. He and Ginger, our 3yo beagle seem to be having a rough patch as well. He wants to "play", which mostly consists fo chasing after and nipping her on the rear. She's not having it. He's almost 3 times her size and I think she's just overwhelmed. She seems to go along with it every now and then, but more then than now.... Remy and the cat... let's just say he seemed to have a healthy respect for her the first week or so, now he thinks she's supposed to "play" also. She seems to be fairly tolerate of him. She hisses and runs away,but doesn't seem to perceive him as an actual threat.
We are also having housebreaking issues. I think these are OUR fault! We think of him as a "big boy" since he's SO big, but we need to more strict with confining him to a limited area. He's had the run of the house since he figured out how to get up and down the stairs. We were OH so proud, but now we've gotta clean up his "oops" on 3 levels!
He's also seems to have some separation anxiety issues we'd like to work on. The crate training is NOT!!! He destroyed the carpet in the family room after getting the crate pan out from under himself one day and proceeding to poop, then eat the carpet out from under the crate. THAT was a very bad day.... He's been outside during the day since then, but we can't do that once it gets colder....

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Comment by Michele Womack on June 11, 2010 at 8:16am
Fortunately, this is all now a moot point. Not sure why that post didn't get sent, but I actually wrote in back in the winter. I quickly gave up on the crate. He was a rescue and I figured I'd give him a little more leeway, since it seemed to make him nuts. He's now housebroken and an AMAZING boy....
Comment by Camilla and Darwin on June 11, 2010 at 7:17am
Wow, sounds like a handful! I'm sure he's an amazing pup, quirks and all. :-) I would try to think of a way to secure the crate to tray to the bottom. Or could you keep him somewhere not on carpet, like the kitchen, behind a baby gate?


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