Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lucy and Sophie have no idea why I just took the new rug up out of the living room and put everything back in the closets, but they will find out this evening. This is Topper, he will be coming to stay with us this evening until we find him a wonderful forever home. I'll be letting everyone know how he is doing. If anyone is interested, get your apps in to the DRC. His current mom and dad say he is a wonderful puppy, but they are moving to an Apt. where they cannot have dogs. We shall see what their opinion of wonderful is very quickly I'm sure! Stay tuned.

UPDATED: Wed morning!

Right this minute all is quiet. We have had a bath, during which he was such a good boy! What a breeze bathing a puppy like him, vs my girls! I think it took 30 mins or less start to finish. I think the biggest problem right now that I'm having is remembering he is a boy. I am so used to yelling "Girls", or "good Girls" that I get stuck on "good boy". He really is a good boy though. Very sweet and loving and kissey! My girls are having a few adjustment problems, but we are working through them. He has apparently not been allowed on the furniture because he doesn't jump up on the sofa even when my girls do. That actually works well because it gives them a place to sit with me where he isn't. He has already jumped over the doggie gate (something my girls haven't done in 2 years). So, we are hanging in there. We will learn as the days go bye, but somebody is going to get really lucky and have a life full of doodle kisses for real.

Sophie (L) and Foster Topper (R) -- I think they will be good friends if Lucy will let them.

Topper Checking Things Out Last night

Hi, My name is Topper! Will you guys be my friends?

OK, on the count of 3, everybody look a different direction!

My new Foster Mommy thinks I have the cutest tail ever! Sort of like a Question Mark!

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Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on March 2, 2010 at 10:24am
Congrats on your first foster. Lucy and Sophie will have a new playmate for awhile.
Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on March 2, 2010 at 6:33am
What a beautiful dog. Keep us posted and thank you for what you are doing!
Comment by Patty on March 2, 2010 at 6:30am
Congratulations on your first! It's so much fun!

Do me a favor, use the martingale or harness when you transport him. It's easy for a dog to freak / get spooked and bolt - and we never can tell which dog will do so.
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on March 2, 2010 at 6:20am
Topper is adorable! I can't wait to hear how his meeting with Lucy & Sophie goes!
Thank you so much for fostering him! Foster homes are the single most important link in the rescue chain; without you, rescues simply can't save dogs!
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on March 2, 2010 at 6:05am
I posted Topper's picture since once the shelter updates their site his pictures will no longer be able to be seen.

Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on March 2, 2010 at 5:57am
How exciting!! It IS more exciting and much less painful than than birth of a human! You will get the hugs, licks and missed potty spots immediately! Glad you decided to roll up the rugs. Can't be too careful until Topper understands the rules of your home.
You have a huge family sending hugs and doodlekisses your way!!
Can't wait to get your update!
Drive safe!!
Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on March 2, 2010 at 5:40am
I'm packing the van for the trip to Louisville and I think this must only be similar to packing for the hospital to birth a baby. I've got extra leashes, collars, martingale collar, seat belt harness, crate straps, treats, towels, water, toys and blankets. Foster Grandma is going along to comfort Topper on the way home. DH will be here to meet us and help orchestrate the introductions when we get back. Lucy and Sophie are looking at me like are "WE" going on a trip! They will be surprised when they get put in their room. I'll update all of you tomorrow morning to let you know how it went.
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 2, 2010 at 4:48am
Wow, the blogs are full of good news this morning! I love starting my day like this. Topper is a cutie. I think it's wonderful that you're doing this. I'll be anxious to hear how it goes with his arrival tonight. I'm sure he'll be wondering what happened to this other family, but your love and Lucy and Sophie as new playmates, I know he'll be a happy puppy.
Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on March 2, 2010 at 4:35am
Here is a pic of our Sophie around the same age as Topper. I think they look rather similar, although topper weighs more.


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