Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom's Blog (58)

Birthday Month For The Girls!

March is a big month here at our house.  It is sadly when we will have the 1st anniversary of loosing our Sophie but it is also the birthday month for both girls and we are going to choose to celebrate those rather than be sad at missing our Sophie ... as she would want us to celebrate!  Miss Lucy gets to go first.  Today is Lucy's 6th birthday.  It is hard to believe that it has been six years since they came home.  …


Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on March 3, 2014 at 3:01pm — 26 Comments

What A Difference A Year Makes!

This time last year we were about 4 weeks into the 7 weeks of crate confinement for Lucy after her CCL surgery.  Sophie was a wonderful Sister and stayed by Lucy's side and tried to be understanding of why she couldn't play.  We were all anxiously awaiting January when we would be spending the month at the beach in Florida watching the girls play in the surf and enjoy playing on the beach.  At times it seems like only yesterday and at times it seems like a long year.  It was the same day…


Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on August 14, 2013 at 8:50am — 32 Comments

Puppy Apron!

I think that I need to get myself one of those Gardening Aprons to use as a Puppy Apron.  That or maybe I've come up with a new Gimmick that I could sell to all the new Doodle Moms that are spending $3000 in the first few months of getting their puppies!  It's gotta have lots of pockets of different sizes, be made with some nice fabrics with Doodles on it and come in either Pink or Blue!  I'm a little out of practice with this puppy business.  Plus, I've never had a puppy  a grumpy 5 year…


Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on May 23, 2013 at 9:24am — 18 Comments

I Couldn't Have Done It Without You!

In the mail today I received a box with a wonderful "Thinking of You" card telling me to just be sure to take care of myself with all sorts of wonderful goodies to pamper myself including the most required pampering item there is (which of course is chocolate).  This box touched me in ways I can never even begin to appropriately express.  The reason being, it was from a young college student.  We all know that college students are usually living on Raman Noodles and stretching every single…


Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on March 28, 2013 at 2:43pm — 24 Comments

Not Only A Talented Blogger But Has A Heart of Gold!

As I sat at my desk this morning reading over all of the e-mails we have received this week from so many of Sophie's friends, I was reading one from one of our very own, most popular ladies here on DK.  It was at that very moment that someone knocked (very firmly I might ad) on the front door and I about fell off my chair.  The reason for the knock is one that will change me forever.  The Fed Ex man had left a package at our door.  Inside the box was the softest, warmest, most cuddly…


Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on March 15, 2013 at 1:46pm — 49 Comments

Road Trip With The Girls!

On Monday morning, I packed up with Van and Lucy, Sophie and I, along with Mamaw, left Dh at home and hit the road for Virginia (from Ohio).  It was an 8 hour trip and the girls did great.  They were pretty much asleep before we got out of Mamaw's driveway and stayed there unless we stopped.   We were going to Virginia to visit with my Mom's sister, who I have to admit isn't a huge fan of the girls and her house is not what I would consider Dog proofed!  She asked me prior to our arrival if… Continue

Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on September 23, 2011 at 4:23am — 10 Comments

What We Won't Do for These Doodles!

At first we thought we would do invisible fence .... That was a wasted $1200

Then we decided regular fencing would be safer ..... I'm embarrassed to say how much that was .....


Then we figured out that about 6-8 months of the year the yard was entirely too wet for them to get to play outside anyway.  After this Spring and our so many inches of rain above the normal rainfall that I completely lost count, mowing mud instead of grass, and months of the girls sitting…


Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on July 15, 2011 at 4:16am — 30 Comments

Saying GoodBye (OT)

My 1st memories of the realities of War were as a young girl of maybe 7.  I was at a girl scout meeting when my Mom arrived, pulled me aside and told me I would be going home with one of her friends after the meeting.  I later learned that my Dad's bosses Son had been killed in Vietnam.  That memory has always been with me.  I worked for the Air Force for 13 years, am married to a retired Air Force officer, but never in my 50+ years has the reality of War been so real as this past week. … Continue

Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on June 4, 2011 at 4:52am — 15 Comments

How Can it Be .... My Babies Are 3!

I brought my babies home almost on the same exact day that DK began!   My ultimate dream for them was that they would become wonderful therapy dogs and that my retirement years would have a purpose!  I can remember thinking that they couldn't even be taken to do their therapy test until they were a year old, and thinking wow, that is so far away ...... fast forward to yesterday and my babies are now three years old ....... I think someone hit that fast forward button a few times to makes it…


Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on March 4, 2011 at 5:06am — 26 Comments

Would Someone Please Train Our Mom!

Lucy and Sophie here.   Mom has been mean lately.  She will not let us bark at anything outside the windows.  Not the trash man, the dogs next door, the mail man, or Ricco or Brody when they walk past, Nothing!  She makes us get on our pillows and do a down stay.  Not that that isn't bad enough, but on Monday she put us in a down stay and then about 10 mins later we heard her tell Dad good bye, I'll see you in a little while and she walks right past us .......  we just looked at her like where… Continue

Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on January 19, 2011 at 6:21am — 14 Comments

Mom, Don't You Have More Christmas Shopping to Do?

I really wish Mom had more shopping to do because her being at home makes me tired.  First I had to get a hair cut, then I had to get a bath.  After all that, she thinks that she needs to comb me out!  This is exhausting.  I'd rather she just leave and let me take a nap.   


Whatever, go ahead and brush me if you want, just don't make me stand up, I'm too…


Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on December 27, 2010 at 8:44am — 13 Comments

It's Fair Time In Ohio!

Well, it has been so long since it rained that I can't even remember our last significant rainfall. By that I mean one that lasted over 5 minutes. We have cracks in our yard that are an inch wide. The dirt is pulling away from the house ......... so, yesterday we are scheduled to walk with Hospice of Hope for the Opening Parade for our Local County Fair! This is a pretty big fair, noted by all out of towners that attend. It is billed as "The…


Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on September 28, 2010 at 9:08am — 8 Comments

Helping Mom!

Lucy and Sophie here! It's been a really busy, HOT summer and Mom was behind with her yard work. Can you believe that it is almost the end of July and she still hasn't brought in new Mulch for around the trees. We don't care so much about how it looks, but we do love to get a mouth full and spread it around all over the yard (hummmm, could be why she needs to remulch). Anyway, there are weeds, and some were getting pretty big, so we thought maybe, since it was probably our fault anyway that we… Continue

Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on July 29, 2010 at 6:11am — 20 Comments

Summer -- Yuck

Lucy here ........ why has everyone been waiting on Summer? That's all I've heard from Mom, I can't wait till Summer. Well, I gotta tell you, it is HOT and I don't like HOT! You see, I'm a black dog and that Sun just is too much for me! I was in heaven today though, Mom got the Pool out! Sophie still wanted to run and play, but me ..... no, I'm just gonna lay in the pool!…


Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on May 31, 2010 at 5:00am — 17 Comments

Choc Doodle Available in Cinti -- Gorgeous

The Cincinnati Lab Rescue has the Gorgeous Choc Labradoodle in foster care. His coloring is beautiful. I know nothing about him, just saw him on petfinder!

Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on May 18, 2010 at 9:31am — 19 Comments

Back To A Two Doodle Home!

Jett's new Daddy picked him up yesterday. Jett was very calm and relaxed when they first met. Things will now return to normal around here, but it sure is quiet. Here is a picture of Jett with his new Dad and Dad's Nephew Brennan (I hope I got that right). Jett wasn't real excited about getting in the car, but when you figure his last car trips were to the vet to get neutered and to be surrendered to the dog pound, I guess I can understand. I'm sure this morning he is having a wonderful time… Continue

Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on May 16, 2010 at 7:00am — 12 Comments

Plane Wreck or Hit By A Jett!

Although he doesn't leave until Saturday, I think Jett decided he wanted to be sure to leave me with an official souvenir of his time here. All 3 dogs were laying quietly in the living room, with Jett laying in my lap on the Love Seat. DH came in the door from work, and as per their usual habits Lucy and Sophie heard him even before I did and they jumped up, started barking and headed for the door. Jett sees them and he enthusiastically jumps up to go great DH as well. The Souvenir comes when… Continue

Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on May 11, 2010 at 4:17am — 8 Comments

Welcome Jett's New Dad!

Hey everyone, be sure to stop by and welcome Jett's new Dad. He will be picking Jett up next week on Saturday afternoon.

Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on May 9, 2010 at 9:10am — No Comments

HUGS --- Jett Style !

(Ok, I apologize, I've been taking pictures!)

Jett gives the absolute best hugs! Usually accompanied by a few kisses as well! I might have to finally agree and swing to the side of all of you who have said all along that male dogs are more affectionate. My girls, although they will give some kisses and hugs, are nothing like this little fellow! How I'm going to miss those hugs!…


Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on May 8, 2010 at 6:37am — 9 Comments


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