Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Zach at 5 monthZach at 7 months

Remembering our little Zach....he was born in May of 1991 to a poodle breeder, unfortunately for Zach and awesome for me, he was not a full bred poodle so damaged goods in the breeders eyes. I shutter to think of what happened to the rest of the liter but my little guy ended up in a NO Kill shelter right near where we had just moved from Michigan.

We had promised our little girl that as soon as our feet stopped moving from place to place and we settled in OH we would finally get her a dog. We had our parakeet Poochie (made the trip with us from CA to MI and also to Oh), bunny rabbits and 3 or 4 hampsters over the past 9 years of her life but she wanted a dog, so did we. First order of business was to find a place that would allow us to rent and have a dog, check. Second deciding on a dog, not so easy. We went to many places, the pound, other shelters and finally one where we found a chow mix. At that time I was unaware of my severe allergies to some dogs. While growing up we always had a poodle. We went to the back play area and within 10 minutes I had hives and itching. So we left without that adorable pup and a little girl with a broken heart.

We put our name on the list for something less furry, even a poodle mix, even though I was opposed, all Moms poodles were little and frankly cranky. We waited and waited, we checked other places to no avail. Poor little DD was so upset and then the call came. We have a couple of poodle mixes here, one is black and one is white...they came from the same litter, they were 5 months old.

I quietly took that information and kept it to myself. I thought rather than get everyone all excited just to be let down again I decided I would check them out myself. I must admit I was pretty excited myself.

The very next day I took dropped Nicole off at school and off I went. I walked in told them who I was and they walked me in to a room full of kennels, I spotted the white poodle mix immediately and right next to her was the most adorable little black, wild haired guy I ever set eyes on...instant love. The gal took him out of the cage and he melted into my arms. We went out to the play area and I set him down and sat on the ground...he took two steps forward and two steps back, did a sloppy sit and looked up into my eyes leaning on my legs. UH OH!

Well clearly this was it - no going back from here, hope DH likes him, I know DD will. This was a Wed...I asked if they would please hold him until Saturday and they agreed as long as I put down a $25 deposit, done.

Saturday I brought DH back, not DD still not sure if DH would agree. The first thing that came out of his mouth you ask? "you want THAT dog?" "I am just as sure about this dog as I was about you when I first noticed you at work, but you have to like him too" (at this point DH knew he had better like him), we went to the play yard again. Zach walked from him to me, didn't know who he liked best...DH was sold, we left, picked up DD and let her meet the new pup.

We left that shelter with the most adorable 5 month old pup....Zach lived to be 15 years old, he was a good dog but did have a few issues, first he was not socialized the first 5 months of his life and never really got along with other dogs, or most humans really, he was a hands off to others but we loved him still. He brought great joy to our family. When he passed with a multitude of issues we all cried under the big oak tree where we all gathered to say goodbye before he was euthanized.

I love my Daisy the same way but her big little brother that was gone before she came will always and forever hold a special place in my heart.

I have added a couple of photos so you all can tell me what you think...I know his mommy was a poodle but never really got a firm answer to his other part or parts. I think he looks a lot like some other doodles here (Bandit for instance) he weighed 40lbs at adulthood. Either way, he was my guy. I am also going to add some photos to my page.

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Comment by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on June 21, 2011 at 7:54pm
Such a sweet story, Lisa! Zach really does remind me of Bandit!  I love that you took his picture with you when you picked up Daisy. He was there in spirit!!  What a special little guy!
Comment by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on June 21, 2011 at 7:32pm
Allyson, Zach had lung cancer (we have no idea why,it's not like he was getting 2nd hand smoke or anything) bladder stones and kidney failure. We had been giving him intravenous solutions under his skin and it just didn't seem to be helping any longer, when the Vet took an Xray she was shocked, poor little guy was a mess. He never complained, he just stopped eating and drinking. It was so hard to let him go but it was time.
Comment by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on June 21, 2011 at 7:27pm

Thanks everyone, and you know it's true we all get what we need, even when we don't know it. There is a song called "Chasing Cars" the night before we put him down it played on the stereo over and over, I laid down on the floor with him all night and just kept him company I cry every time I hear it, it was a special night for the two of us.

I brought Zachs' picture with us to pick up Daisy so he was a part of it all. I know a little corny but it just felt right.

Comment by Lindsey on June 21, 2011 at 6:16am
Very sweet! Zach was a cutie :-) Thanks for sharing!!
Comment by Clifford, Cloud, Jake..and Kim on June 21, 2011 at 1:44am
What a wonderful remembrance of Zach.  I bet writing this brought a smile, remembering all the good times with him.
Comment by Elizabeth & *Kosci*. on June 21, 2011 at 1:41am
Beautiful story thank you for sharing your family, did he stay solid black all his life?
Comment by Jane, Rooney & Stuart on June 21, 2011 at 12:46am
What a cutie he was! 
Comment by Camilla and Darwin on June 20, 2011 at 9:14pm
Wonderful story, thank you for sharing.
Comment by Kyoko on June 20, 2011 at 8:47pm
Thank you for sharing the wonderful story...
Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on June 20, 2011 at 6:57pm
What a wonderful story.  He looks awfully doodley to me.


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