Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well, I don't know who had more anxiety tonight me or Tori.... I think I actually surpassed Tori. As we waited for 'the trainer' to come - I paced, stared out the window, and barked (orders at my family). It has truly happened - I have become part "DOG" ~ I realized that everything I was doing while waiting 'the trainer's' arrival was everything I was trying to break Tori of! As instructed, I had Tori quarantined from our part of the house. First off, she was about 10 minutes late, so that kind of rubbed me the wrong way (don't know why really, as I am FAR from punctual myself). As 'the trainer' walked up the driveway, then walkway, and to our door, Tori started her rant. "The trainer' came in and sat down, and started going through what I had written down on the questionnaire. My palms started to sweat... I was afraid she was going to scold me for a wrong answer.

After about 10 - 15 minutes of listening to Tori 'freak out' I was allowed to let her in. She ran right over to the trainer and barked at her, sometimes nudging her with her nose..."Hmmm", she said. I didn't know what that meant exactly. She ignored Tori's nudging and Tori ran to her other side, and then she smelled it - TREATS in her sling bag she had over her arm. She asked Tori to sit and she gave her a treat, then another, and another. NOW - MY OCD started acting up as I don't usually give her store bought treats... I couldn't take it any more and I asked... "what are you giving her?" I think I embarrassed my 12 year old son with that question as I now have a black and blue on my shin. Then Tori barked and when asked to-Tori sat, went into down and even retracted from the window when 'the trainer' called her back.... AMAZING! I think my kids were more impressed than any of us! This continued for the entire 3 hours 'the trainer' was at my house for the free consultation/evaluation.

Tori barked when 'the trainer' stood up and followed her around my house, but sat when told ~ all for these beloved newly allowed store bought treats! She even went 'to her bed' when asked. I told 'the trainer' that Tori also has issues when people get up to leave (not that I was pushing 'the trainer' out the door...), but when she got up to leave, Tori was so focused on her reward for staying on her bed, she didn't even notice when 'the trainer' walked out the door.

So, if Tori has no diarrhea from these new "STORE BOUGHT" treats, I'm off to Petco to force myself to buy them , and I think I just may have 'the trainer' back again next week.....

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Comment by shelly on August 13, 2010 at 5:15pm
Yes, ali... I think we will! We were all pretty impressed! Of course we were out all day today, so really couldn't 'practice' - too bad 'cause my next door neighbor looked like she got lots of company... there were so many cars in her driveway when we came home... odds are - tori didn't practice on her own! LOL Yeah... can't wait for the session with Alexander!!!
Comment by Ali & Sonny D. on August 13, 2010 at 3:54pm
So are you having her back again?? True test when Alexander comes over. Here's to hoping it works!
Comment by shelly on August 12, 2010 at 8:49pm
I know, BruceGirl... and I am the Queen of Junk Food - LOL... yes, it was really great of her to give us so much information, handouts and ideas to use without even knowing for sure if we would 'hire' her....I'm I'm off to eat my bowl of ice cream! YUM!
Comment by BG and Gavin on August 12, 2010 at 8:43pm
It sounds like you are off to a good start Tori! Tell mom that a little junk food once in a while never hurt anyone. A free 3 hour consultation - wow. It sounds like she is really willing to work hard for you.
Comment by shelly on August 12, 2010 at 8:35pm
Thanks everyone! I was very excited last night at what I actually saw tori do.,.. my in-laws were very impressed too...paws crossed!
Comment by Kyoko on August 12, 2010 at 8:23pm
Wow!! Amazing. Yes. Post us the up-date! I can't wait to hear about it!!
Comment by Camilla and Darwin on August 12, 2010 at 3:27pm
can't wait to hear more updates, and I'm so glad she is making progress!
Comment by shelly on August 12, 2010 at 2:29pm
Thanks! Well.. one leg of today's "test" was a bit of a success... My son's friend, Joe is over...poor joe she just loves when he visits... she barked when he came to the door, but quickly stopped as I stuck the smell of those treats under her nose... he (joe) kept turning is back on her when she jumped up on him and actually sat when he told her to. She went to her bed and settled down - Oops... joe just left... two steps forward, one step back..(or is it one step forward, two steps back - lol) . BUT it's a start... Rome wasn't built in a day... okay enough of these idioms.. back to training before joe comes back (think I'm going to have to buy Joe a bag of treats too!)
Comment by Carol and Banjo on August 12, 2010 at 2:07pm
....keep us posted - can't wait to see how Tori does between now and the next visit!!!! Good girl Tori!!
Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on August 12, 2010 at 12:31pm
So glad of the success!


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