Although he doesn't leave until Saturday, I think Jett decided he wanted to be sure to leave me with an official souvenir of his time here. All 3 dogs were laying quietly in the living room, with Jett laying in my lap on the Love Seat. DH came in the door from work, and as per their usual habits Lucy and Sophie heard him even before I did and they jumped up, started barking and headed for the door. Jett sees them and he enthusiastically jumps up to go great DH as well. The Souvenir comes when the hard bone on the top of Jett's head meets my cheek bone. Within seconds it is swelling, and tears are coming out my eyes as it hurt like crazy. DH is wondering what the heck is going on ..... and then he sees the swelling! Welcome home dear doodle daddy! Anyway, I have a nice goose egg and am going to have a pretty good shiner by the end of today I believe as the colors are still deciding what shade they would like to be. DH is concerned that people will think he did this to me, which anyone who knows him knows that is absolutely impossible, but as I was sitting on the sofa with an ice pack last night I said to him, "Ask me what happened" ...... he did and I replied "It was a plane wreck, I got hit by a Jett!"
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