Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Please Don't Let Him Think He's Being Abandoned Again!

On Monday morning, I'll be taking Jackdoodle to the Veterinary Specialty Clinic, where he will finally undergo the intradermal skin testing that I've been putting off for 14 months now. It has to be done; the autoimmune disease that causes his problems only gets worse, and it can become life-threatening without treatment. There is no cure, but hopefully we can manage it and give him a decent life. The best way to do that is to first find out exactly what is causing his flare-ups. And it has to be done in the "off-season." Since the procedure involves general anesthetic, he will have to stay all day, in an indoor "run". I have never left Jack anywhere besides the groomers for 2 hours, and even there, he really doesn't want to go in back without me. How am I going to leave him? He will have his blanket, and the pillow I sleep on, and whatever garment I sleep in the night before. I hope that will be enough to comfort him. But I am so afraid he is going to think he's being abandoned again.
It was almost exactly three years ago that he was abandoned, left in a place that will seem very similar to him, I'm afraid, and even at the same time of year. The people who had purchased him from the pet store, with whom he spent the first year of his life, dumped him in a non-kill shelter, in an indoor run, and walked away forever. He was then taken to a clinic, where he was anesthetized & neutered. And then back to lie in his cage afterwards. At first, he must have thought they were coming back for him...but they never did. I am so afraid that this is going to seem horribly familiar to him. I am so afraid that he's going to be in terror that he's lost his home and family again.
It will only be the one day, and then he'll be back here again. But it's going to be the longest, hardest day of his life. Will it be enough that he has his blanket, and things with my scent on them? Does he know that I love him too much to ever ever leave him? I hope so, but I don't know, and I am crying as I write this, thinking of how frightened he'll be, how lost & alone again. I have been crying over this image for 14 months...I couldn't even make the appointment without breaking down on the phone. Now that the day is almost here, I am terrified for him. And I need to get a grip on this before I bring him in Monday, or I'm going to stress him out even worse.
So I am asking Whoever Watches Over Big Shaggy Goofball Doodles to please, please, let Jackdoodle not be afraid, and please let him know that I am coming back for him at the end of the day, that I love him with all my heart and would never leave him, no matter what. And if anyone reading this happens to have a free moment on Monday to think of Jackdoodle and send him a little strength, it will be much appreciated. By both of us.

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Comment by AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner on December 29, 2008 at 7:21pm
Karen - Glad Jack is home. I hope there was not to much anxiety.

Hugs and Kisses from all
Comment by Joy Williams on December 29, 2008 at 7:04pm
Karen, I am so glad he is home with you now. I'm sure it makes you both feel much better. I thought about y'all all day today, just hoping he was doing okay. So give him a big hug and both of you get some rest - well deserved rest!! And keep us posted!
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on December 29, 2008 at 6:55pm
Oh. that's so pretty, Karen! Thank you all, and Liz, i sure wish you could give those shots for me! But I am not even going to think about it tonight. I'm just so relieved it's over. I took photos of his "war wounds" for the follow up post on what we found out, and what we can do about it. And, no, it's NOT the food! But the storage mites IN the food...well, that's a whole other conversation. Stay tuned....
Comment by Karen & Lucy on December 29, 2008 at 6:25pm
Karen, I am so sorry that I didn't know about Jack having this done today. I was off DK for a few days due to Christmas and am just catching up. I read the post above first before I realized that it is over and he is doing well. I cried for you the whole time I read this. I feel the very same way about my Lucy. Non dog people can never understand the bond we make with our furry friends. I am soooo glad you BOTH are doing well. I am sending you and Jack a BIG
Comment by Elizabeth on December 29, 2008 at 5:45pm
If I lived closer, I'd come over and give the shots for you! I'm a nurse, but I live in Minnesota- a little too far :) I hope that the treatment you guys have chosen is effective for Jack. Just remember when your giving the shot: hold it like a dart- and dart it into the skin really really really fast (it hurts less that way) For humans that's the easiest method. If you push it in slowly it's much more painful. Quick is better. I am so glad Jack made it through the appointment and is safe at home. It's so heartbreaking to think of the sadness and fear our dogs may have when we leave them somewhere. As parents to these goofy dudes, we want them to always feel loved and safe. Never, ever, do we want to cause heartache. I hope the one day of discomfort brings him many many days that are more comfortable and free from symptoms! -Liz & Sophie
Comment by Jacquie Yorke (DRC) on December 29, 2008 at 4:04pm
HE MADE IT THROUGH!...YAY!.....So happy that he's back home with mom and doing well!....NOW WE KNOW!...IT"S NOT THE FOOD!!!...I just read your post and it actually brought tears to my eyes...
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on December 29, 2008 at 3:50pm
I really am exhausted, it's amazing how stress wears you out. I think I'll post a separate discussion or blog about the findings...I'm sitting here with jack's charts trying to look up some of these things on-line, not that it matters. The treatment options are very limited, and the one we're probably going with is allergy shots, to try builkd up his immune system so it can resist these things. They were ready with the vials & syringes today when i picked him up...and a "sock monkey" to practice on, but it was just too much for today...Like I said, it's a whole other discussion.
I am so grateful to all of you for your support. it seems kind of silly, now that it's over & he's sleeping here by my chair, but I honestly think I would have chickened out of having it done today if it hadn't been for all of you here; I was that frightened. Thank you all so much...DK is the best, and I have the best friends on DK! What a combo!
Comment by Teresa on December 29, 2008 at 3:37pm
EXCELLENT NEWS! I tried checking in to DK from work today and couldn't log on - AAARGGHH! Just home and first thing I did was check to see if there was news. Big relief for both of you and now....figuring out how you deal with his allergies? Keep us posted - I'm sure you are exhausted from the concern.

BIG Hugs, Love and kisses from Hudson and I.
Comment by Lynne Fowler-Oodles of Doodles on December 29, 2008 at 12:11pm
We're here and it's over...for now. Sit with him awhile. We'll wait! Do you feel us hugging you both?
Comment by Adina P on December 29, 2008 at 12:09pm
I'm glad he's doing to tackle the allergies...more prayers will come your way for that!


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