Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


Last night, it happened again.  Vern got up in the middle of the night and started barking.  These were not ordinary barks, either, but enough to wake the dead.  The only person in our bed that did not seem to be bothered by all the ruckus was my husband.  I followed all the noise out to our foyer and there was watchdog Vern standing at the window, looking out at something, and determined to get outside.  Fudge was not barking, except for an occasional little squeak, but she was equally excited to get outside and be Vern’s backup.  Luckily, for our dogs, someone (now fast asleep or was he?) had left all the outside lights on and our yard was lit up like the Fourth of July, making it easier for our dogs to have a clearer view of things that go bump in the night and who doesn’t want that in the middle of the night?


Vern may be a Chicken Doodle, but he has one of the fiercest barks I have ever heard and when he is startled or surprised, his macho dog bark is enough to scare anyone.  Vern and I have been sound asleep in bed when my husband comes into the room and several times, the bark Vern produced almost warranted me buying a Heart defibulator to keep on my nightstand, in case he stops my heart one of these days.  I was also glad I had a waterproof mattress pad. Part of the problem is my husband has spent years perfecting his “stealthy” walk in the event that he is needed for some task involving our children and he has to get out of the room quickly, without being seen or heard. I spend a large part of my day trying to remember where I have seen him last and if his current job ever falls through, I am sure he could moonlight as a Cat Burglar, because he can enter and exit a room with no detection until he is standing right there. 


I once was eating a bowl of cereal and wound up wearing it, when I turned to see what I thought was a Serial Killer standing directly over my shoulder, only to realize I was married to him.  Considering that the bowl of Grapenuts did not survive this attack, it did turn out to be a Cereal Bowl Killer, after all.  He swears he doesn’t do this on purpose, but I have been down in the laundry room and turned around to see him standing there and not given a good reaction enough times that surely he can see the correlation between his sudden appearance and my grasping my heart and screaming, “why do you keep sneaking up on me, you stupid ass!”   One of these days, he is going to catch me at the wrong time and find himself in a crossfire involving squirts of Shout, OxiClean Power paks, the steam feature on my iron, and a couple of plastic hangers.


After I got up the other night, I peered out the same window Vern and Fudge were dancing at, and couldn’t see a thing. Vern tends to react to most anything and for all I know, it could have been a stinkbug knocking on the window, but when Fudge reacts too, I start to worry.  So, I did what any person does in one of those cheesy horror films and opened up the door to investigate and let the dogs out, so to speak.  This is chancy in my house, because if I opened the door to find an axe murderer standing there, I am pretty much on my own. The only possible way my husband would get up to investigate all the noise was if I had the wherewithal to scream, “Norm Abram from This Old House just showed up with an axe that splits heads and wants you to come look at it and please hurry,” and even then, I would have to shout it two or three times before he answered. 

The last time we went bike riding together, I told him to please ride up ahead because I hate to slow him down and to just check on me from time to time.  I didn’t see him again until I was almost back at the car and when I told him I had managed to protect my virtue, all on my own, by fighting off a marauding band of old men riding bikes and wearing Love Handles bike T-shirts, who tried to pull me in the bushes and have their way with me, all he said was, “You can tell me all about it later.  Right now, I need to find a bathroom.”

Like I said earlier, because this is Fudge and Vern I am talking about, I went ahead and opened the door the other night, knowing full well I was taking my life in my own hands.  I even put on my large rubber Mucker boots and stepped outside with them to see what I could see.  After all, if it was Stewpid, back from his honeymoon in Vegas, I wanted to be cordial and if it was a neighbor’s cat I have been hearing lately, I wanted to make sure to tell the poor thing to go back home where it belongs. The two dogs took off like a couple of bats out of hell and ran back and forth along the perimeter of our fence barking and going nuts.  I couldn’t see anything, but I could hear something and I am pretty sure it was a couple of deer.  Whatever it was, two crazy doodles scared it off and the crisis was averted for another night.  Both dogs came back into the house panting like they had just seen a ghost and I made my way back to the bedroom and made sure to thank my husband for leaving the lights on, so the dogs didn’t miss a thing lurking outside.  Proving that treading lightly is not his only skill and that denial is his middle name, he muttered like he was sleep talking and said, “What lights? What happened? What dogs? ”  I wanted to say, “Give it a rest, you big faker,” but it was late, so all I said was, “get some rest, because we need to talk in the morning.”  I figured if he was awake, that last statement would disturb his sleep almost as much as him leaving the lights on did mine.

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Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on February 26, 2012 at 4:44pm

Camilla, Thank you! I am jealous of how good Darwin is at night. Do you want to trade him for Vern? LOL

Pat, Somehow, Fudge was trained correctly at night, but Vern must have been outside when his training session was happening. LOL I like a dog that likes to sleep. Good boy, Trav!!

Comment by Pat and Traveler on February 26, 2012 at 12:34pm

Fudge and Vern on the prowl!  It was nice of your DH to leave the lights on so the doods could investigate every shadow. lol   Trav takes his sleep time seriously.  When I petted him at night he would give me an outraged look and move over to a more peaceful part of the bed.  I can pet him now, though, and he'll just ignore me.  It's all about

Comment by Camilla and Darwin on February 26, 2012 at 11:21am

Darwin is usually dead to everything for 10 hours or so during the night. But when he is anxious about something like a treat mistakenly left 1" outside of his crate or the heater on too high he will get restless and continuously get up and shift in his crate. This means I can hear his nails clicking and scraping the crate plastic. I have put blankets and dog beds in the bottom of the crate to dull the noise but he usually shoves those into the corner of his crate and lays on the plastic again. Drives me crazy... but all in all I think it could be worse. :-)

Love hearing these stories about Fudge and Vern. They are hilarious!

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on February 26, 2012 at 11:07am

Jarka, Poor Monty having his sleep disturbed by a stomping man :) At least you know he is coming before he appears out of nowhere. Some mornings I don't even know he left for work...LOL!!

Leslie, Halas can you spell OCD....LOL!! Halas would not survive in this house. How does he feel about clothes left on the floor?

Comment by Leslie and Halas on February 26, 2012 at 11:00am
Halas rarely barks in the middle of the night, but if he does, it's usually at a shirt that is hanging in the wrong spot. Shirts should be INSIDE the closet, not outside, and he let's me know. It doesn't bother him in the daylight, but in the dark, he must think its something sinister.
Comment by Jarka, Monty & Auggie on February 26, 2012 at 10:03am

LOL, Laurie. Thanks for the laugh. My DH is a stomper as well. Even the dog knows it and when my DH gets up in the middle of the night to go to bathroom, Monty promptly leaves his favorite spot on the cold bathroom tiles as he knows the stomping is coming his way. When I go in, Monty does not even move.

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on February 26, 2012 at 6:59am

Bonnie, LOL

Comment by Bonnie and Kona on February 26, 2012 at 6:52am

I'll try to count my blessings instead of cursing that stomping. I certainly am never surprised he is coming.

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on February 26, 2012 at 4:51am

Thanks, Amy, Elizabeth, and Nancy!

Bonnie, I might like a stomper better than a stealther....LOL!! Easier on my heart :)

Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on February 25, 2012 at 8:40pm

LOVE IT!!!!!


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