Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well, it has been 5 weeks now since i fell and broke my arm in 3 places. I don't think I could do it again if I tried.  It was such a freak accident, nobody's fault but my own.  the breaks are up near the shoulder, so it couldn't be casted, sling only.  I am a righty, and broke my left arm, but u can't believe how much u use your other hand and arm.  I  can't dress myself, take a shower by myself, and can't wear anything but something that buttons down the front. Ugh, I feel so bad for DH, and Oliver, they are really being super,  DH is responsible for my care, Oliver is in charge of watching that Mommy is not alone 24/7.  DH is an acc't, so it is not easy for him to be here at all times. He gets me up, showered and dressed, breakfast, walks and feeds Oliver, and off he goes..He returns lunchtime to walk Oliver, get my lunch, and back he goes to work.  Oliver spends his days with me, watching tv, etc.  I feel so bad for him, no playing fetch, no long afternoon walks, etc..but being the wonderful nurse-companion that he is, he takes it all in stride, and stays right with mommy...So this is really the first week that I can sit at the computer and type sort of, lol..started therapy the other day, shouldn't be called therapy, should be called torture, but I need to get full use of my arm back, so no pain, no gain. I am down to just one pill a day after or before therapy, hate the way they make me feel. I would be a lousy drug addict...anyway I have been reading all the posts, just haven't been able to respond..My friends have been wonderful, today one of them took Oliver to the groomer for his bath and haircut, lol, and she is taking me out for lunch, whoo hoo, finally going out of this house...Just wanted to let everyone know I am still here, and tht OLIVER, my best friend and nurse has been taking such good care of me....cheryl

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Comment by Lori, Quincy & Frankie on March 10, 2013 at 6:51am

Sorry to hear about your fall and injuries...never fun to convalesce.  Good you have a sweet doodle and husband!  Having to rely on someone else, husband or no, for showers, hair etc. is so frustrating.  But, this too shall pass.  At some point you may look back on these long, peaceful days with your pup by your side and miss that part- here's hoping that happens very soon.  

Comment by Tante & Jordan & now Annie! on March 10, 2013 at 2:04am
I broke my hand last summer, I know your misery! It was the worst 6 weeks and the 3m of rehab after!
I fell walking the Coco Puff (Jordan) I had to "teach" Brian to do a pony tail, never really happened. Had to ask my friends to zip my pants......
You are lucky you do not have cast,when I was just slinged before the surgery. It was so much easier......
Hang in there!
Comment by Bonnie and Kona on March 9, 2013 at 7:09am

Oh wow, Cheryl! That sounds miserable! I hope you heal more quickly than you could imagine. The PT will help. Be brave and just keep at it. ugh! 

Comment by Becka on March 8, 2013 at 6:54pm
Cheryl I am in Delray. Please PM me if there's anything at all I can do to help--I'd be happy to. My schedule is very flexible and I almost always have time during the day.
Comment by F, Calla & Luca on March 8, 2013 at 12:21pm

I just saw this too. You have been through an ordeal and I hope the rest of the recovery is speedy.

Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 8, 2013 at 12:05pm

Cheryl, I'm just seeing your blog now.  I'm SO sorry to hear this.  It sounds like Oliver has done a great job of keeping his Mom cheered up.  Here's hoping the worst is over....give that Oliver a big kiss!

Comment by cheryl & oliver on March 8, 2013 at 11:45am

thank you everyone for your well wishes...just got back from therapy and seeing the dr. healing, don't need sling anymore except if i am going to be in traffic with people too near me or bumping me, lol...but just when i thought therapy went well, not too much pain, saw dr, and he was moving my arm, and moved it to new heights, i yelled and said a few choice words, not for mention here, he laughed, i cried...told me that i am guarding, totally normal, but i need to think relax, it will heal faster, and therapy will go better...well sounds good, but not easy, believe me...but i will try..came home and there was my oliver, waiting to console me...i swear that dog knows me better then i know myself, lol....bless him, he is my soulmate, i swear he is, he just looks at me with those big brown eyes, so full of feeling and i know i have a friend that understands my pain....anyway i am off for a nap and a pill, again ty all for your concern....cheryl

Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on March 8, 2013 at 11:33am

So sorry about this - hope you get better soon.  Oliver is such a good boy to take care of you so well :)

Comment by Doris, Knox & Flash on March 8, 2013 at 9:40am

OUCH!! I can only imagine the pain that you have been in!  It sounds like your DH is a gem and that Oliver is being a great companion.  About that therapy...I found that a bit of RETAIL therapy following the torture therapy was always helpful.  You might try it : )

Comment by Christine & Shelby on March 8, 2013 at 8:06am

Oh Cheryl.... so sorry to hear about your arm.  You know what - our Doodles just get it... and I'm sure Oliver has some sense that you aren't able to play like you used to.  I know when I had my back surgery - Shelby just got it, she knew - was so gentle around me, and took it easy.  I had friends come visit me and play with her.... some took her for walks.  Oliver will be fine... and sounds like DH is doing a great job.  Hope you heal well and quickly!   Take it easy!


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