Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Popcorn, an Earthworm and a Butterfly

What do these items have in common? Nothing really, except they had recent encounters with our puppy, Penny.

Prior to adopting Penny, we hadn't had a puppy in the family for 10 years. We had forgotten how much fun puppies were and how comical they are! Penny keeps us cracking up all the time.

The other night, DH was eating popcorn. He tossed a kernel in the air to Penny and it landed on the top of her head. And there it sat, "forever". If you have seen photos of Penny, you know she's cream colored and has very thick wavy hair which made the piece of popcorn, almost completely camouflaged. We didn't even see the popcorn on her head, at first. Well, Penny started turning in circles around and around, looking for the popcorn that she knew was thrown to her. It wasn't on the floor. It definitely wasn't still in midair. She could smell it. Where was it? Well we looked down, doing a double take, and there was the snack was. Smack on top of her head. This was quite a dilemma for Penny. We were laughing at her antics and when Penny finally jumped around enough that the kernel fell off her head, it was eaten as soon as it hit the floor. You know what dogs look like when they are chasing their tails? This is the way Penny was circling. It may not sound hilarious to you, but I must say, I nearly needed a wee wee pad.

One evening, Penny found an earthworm and apparently decided it belonged in our house. It was wiggling and squirming in her thick hair on her hip area. I looked at her and thought, "OMG, what is that?!?" She kept licking at the worm because I guess it was tickling her. It was alive and well and it was desperately trying to find some mud to burrow into. How this worm got stuck in her hair...well, I don't really want to know. I grabbed a tissue ('cause worms are slimy!) and tried to pick the worm off of her. The worm was determined to stay on Penny. I didn't think it was going to end well; I thought I was going to squish the worm. It had a death grip on her hair. But finally I got it off her and took it outside and placed it on the ground. I'm sure it's much happier in the dirt. I'm much happier that it's in the ground. Gross! I'm not afraid of worms, I just don't care to have them in my living room.

A couple days ago, I discovered my dog was afraid of butterflies. She had never come upon one, apparently. A beautiful (extra large) Monarch butterfly was flying above my "Live Forever" plant outside. Penny first noticed the butterfly while it was still in the air. I was actually afraid she was going to jump up and eat it. It landed on my plant to drink the nectar in the flowers. Penny got real close to the butterfly, full of curiousity and awe. It flapped its wings and it scared Penny! Yes, really. She immediately hopped backwards 2 steps. I was almost on the ground laughing (where was my wee wee pad?) at Penny's reaction. The butterfly remained on the plant so she attempted another close-up look at the butterfly. Again, its wings moved and Penny instantly leaped backwards 2 steps, again! She even barked at the butterfly! Well, in all, this happened 3 times. It probably would have happened more had the butterfly stayed around. It flew off, never to scare my dog again. Then, oops!, I noticed there were also honey bees on this same plant. Penny was trying to grab them. Needless to say, I had to bring Penny inside so she wouldn't get stung.

These aren't super funny incidents, just little things that have happened to make us laugh at our little girl. She is such a joy and everyday she finds something else to do to bring humor into our lives. Silly girl!

A friend found and sent me this video. (It's NOT Penny; this is a normal dog having a normal butterfly encounter).

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Comment by Sally M on September 30, 2016 at 4:09pm
Laurie, I hate when those slugs leave that shiny/slimy trail where they've crawled. It's always a tell-tale sign if you see that on your carpeting.
Comment by Sam&Bella on September 27, 2016 at 9:42am

Haha! I can just see Bella doing that with the popcorn!

Comment by Sally M on September 26, 2016 at 5:46am
Oh yes, with 3 dogs we have had the "dead worm" problem too. Why must they roll around? Smell? Odor? It's gross.
Comment by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on September 25, 2016 at 4:13pm

Penny sounds like quite the character! I found out the other day that Tara is afraid of butterflies too! Unfortunately she loves worms especially dead ones which she proceeds to roll on whenever given the opportunity!! Ick!!! 

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on September 25, 2016 at 6:05am

I once found a slug on Vern. Yuck!!  These dogs do make us laugh!!


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