Okay, I am fed up with rain and mud. It has just gotten to be more then I can do to keep them clean every time they come in from the mud for days at a time (not only them but the house too). I had my husband build me a mud room and I love it. We turned half our garage into a play/mud room filled with toys and bones. He even ran a duct out there from our aircondioner/heat to keep them comfortable. When it is raining they can go in and out as they please to do their stuff . We take turns going out to play and pet them.They love playing out there and having free reign as in the house they have to act like indoor dogs and be calm and after days of having to stay inside they got depressed and bored. They have beds to lay on and as I said toys to play with and bones to chew on, and each other. When the rain stops we bathe dogs, wash everything that needs washing,clean the walls and floor one time not many. Then they come back in the house till it rains again or if we leave they will have a play room now not a crate to stay in ( I really fell bad if I have to crate them any length of time). They really are very happy with this arrangement I feel a little bit guilty (I am sure I mind more then they do). Do you think I am being a bad mom? My neighbor told me her kids would love a room like my doodles have (it is a really a great room).
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