I am so proud of Riley he graduated basic obiedience 101 last night. He also got the go ahead from our trainer to enroll him in the next class up, which is Advanced obiedience 202. He did almost everything perfectly which is a HUGE surprise from 5 weeks ago when we started and he barked, dug at the dirt floor, pulled on the leash, barked some more and tried to play with everyone and every dog he saw the entire hour and a half. II was so embarassed, but now he is like a new dog, sitting there waiting for his turn and performing like he is in a 3 ring circus.
The trainer even used him to demonstrate off leash heel. Which is obviously not part of basic training. I have to say he did it almost perfect. He did not even run towards me when they walked in my direction.
I never thought dog training could be so fun. I am looking forward to starting the 202 class soon. I am calling today to get on the list for the next class.
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