I took Riley to his first puppy play date today. I have been looking around the neighborhood for other puppies or dogs for him to play with but my neighbors all seem to have anti-social dogs that "don't like other dogs". Huh, I wonder how that happened?
Anyway.... I found that Petco has puppy play dates on Saturday mornings for an hour, so I took him today. He had a BLAST! He played with about 13 other puppies, all kinds and sizes but for some reason he was drawn to two Goldendoodles. One was 7 months and the other was just about his age of 13 weeks. Strange how they found each other and were like a little pack of puppies.
I have been looking for some dog parks to take him to, but with the weather it really hasn't been something that would work out yet. I thought this was a great alternative.
We had a great day, and I am looking forward to taking him back next Saturday.
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