Rooney spent some time today at the specialty hospital and we still have no answer. They are thinking he might have delayed gastric emptying, they have him on Reglan for that (helps with colon contractions), and also Sucralfate to coat his throat incase there is any irritation (esophagitis) from the vomiting. His stomach lining is thickened but is that because he was vomiting or was he vomiting because it is thickened caused by some disease. Can you see my frustration here . . . . . could be this, could be that, yadda yadda - no anwers. He is acting happy and playful, energy not quite normal but close. We should have blood tests back on Monday. I'm not going to stress about this but I do so want my boy healthy. One thing that came to mind today - Rooney had an organic peanut butter filled frozen shin bone the day before he got sick. He has had peanut butter before but I'm wondering could he have an allergy to it now. I'm just racking my brain. Thanks everyone for your support and kind words!!!! Is it time for a glass of wine now? LOL.
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