Tonight, I witnessed a very scary situation. My 4 yr old healthy goldendoodle Sophie had a Grand Mal seizure - it lasted for 5 minutes with a 10 minute calm period afterwards. I got her to our vets and she had bloodwork done - results to come tomorrow morning. I was asked by our vet if Sophie had eaten anything out of the ordinary and there was nothing that really stuck out in my mind, except that we have a grapevine on our back fence and she and our other doodle Guinness are always pulling pieces of the vine off and chasing each other around the back yard. I read up on 'dogs and grapes' and it appears that grapes can be quite toxic to dogs. Needless to say, I'll be cutting down the grapevine tomorrow morning as a precaution. I'd be interested in hearing from others who have had dogs that have had seizures - for now, we just wait and see what happens.
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