Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I took Sophie and Winston camping last week for the first time. I was bit nervous about it but it went smoothly all things considered. When I arrived at the camp site I had to tether them to a tree so I could put up my tent and unpack the car. They were not pleased to be bound as they really wanted to explore!
I bought a tent that had a seperate area for the doodles which I figured would help if they got muddy so I could keep my side clean. this didn't work out all that well because Sophie did not like being enclosed in the tent. She paced back and forth the first night and eventually I had to open the zipper to let her in. She finally settled down and we fell asleep wrapped up in each other's limbs, her head on my arm (she never snuggles so this was kind of nice). However, I didn't close the zipper properly in the dark so got visited by a pesky mosquito. I didn't want to move and wake her up so I was pretty stiff in the morning and didn't get much sleep. Oh the things we do for our doodles.
There were a bunch of kiddies with us and my brother seemed to think the dogs would be great entertainment for the kids. The downside is that I spent a good chunk of my time supervising while they got to relax and unwind. I sorted out more than my fair share of fights over who's turn it is to throw the frisbee while the others sat around oblivous to all the commotion, reading their books, poking the camp fire, etc.. The doodles loved all the attention for the most part though and I have to say that I'm very proud of how patient they were. Even though there were times when I could tell they had enough, and eventually had to shoe the kids away, the dogs were calm and patient and never let the kids get to them.
Thanks to my niece, Sophie is now a big fan of catching bubbles. I'm surprised her mouth didn't get all soapy!
We fit in some fun swimming time off the rocky shore - the only part where dogs were allowed. But it was hard to keep the doodles away from all the dead seagulls! yuck! But once we broke out the frisbee they forgot all about the seagull graveyard off to the side. Unfortunately, I had to be the one to wade in in my clothes to fish the frisbee off the bottom of the lake when it sank. (no picutres of me in my wet clothes!).
At night by the campfire the doodles were so sleepy from all the activity, which included a raccoon visit to our kitchen tent which got the doodles very excited (thank goodness they were on leash!).
Winston suffered a grave injustice at the hands of his uncle.
The second night went much more smoothly. The doodles slept well until the sun came up and Sophie noticed a chipmunk through the mesh window of the tent. Not realizing she couldn't go straight through, she bounded with full might into the mesh and bounced back - luckily the tent was firmly pegged down. Silly doodle. I think with a little practice the doodles will be regular camping pros and I really can't wait to try it again. My sister-in-law said she hopes we come back next year because the dogs are so great with keeping the kids entertained (and giving her a break :). I think next time we'll get our own site a little ways off, to create just a little distance between us and those playful human puppies so we can schedule some downtime for ourselves ;o)
Wow--what a trip! Yes, get your own site next time!! phew!!
The campsite we have taken the dogs to makes you keep them tied up and I really have to say that if i didn't do that, they would have been running out to the road to greet passersby and then there was those 3 kittens the people in the next site brought with them!! That was CRAZY!
Laughing at the image of Sophie bouncing off the mesh....silly doodle indeed! Sounds like a busy but enjoyable weekend for you and the dogs. Love the pics!
Sounds like the doodles were excellent campers and very patient with the kids! Impressive!
All that was missing was the kitty..LOL I am glad you had a good time and I would be very proud too of your well behaved doodles :) My kitty would not be a happy camper but I think my doodles would really enjoy themselves.....especially with the seagull graveyard :(
Sherri, You are a wonderful auntie! Bringing your sweet doodles as playmates to the littles. It looks like there was a lot of mutual admiration going on between pups and tots. I'm glad you enjoyed the experience. Our dogs have always loved camping. Looking forward to your next camping blog.
Good work Sherri! Sorry bout the Leaf hat Winston, but wearing it you remind me of my husband but with more hair :p
I'm not a camper either, but this sounds like it was fun. I love the picture of all the kids hugging Winston.
I would tent camp but there is no way my DH would! He is not an outdoor lover because every mosquito in a mile radius somehow finds it's way to him. He is my own personal bug repellant.
Love the pictures and glad you enjoy your adventure with your doods!
Thanks so much for all the nice comments! I never fancied myself much of a camper before, but I do like the idea of a vacation in which i can bring the doodles. Plus, it is hard to get away for a real vacation with every spare penny being sucked up into maintaining a house.
I am not a camper- But it was very entertaining to hear about! Great pictures too...I camped with my Springer on the 4th of July weekend (lots of bottle rockets in the area- which she did not like) when I was 17....I think that was probably the last time I went
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