Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This afternoon I spent time in the backyard warming my skin with those great spring rays! It was 80 degrees today and very breezy. We have had an unusually cold winter in South Carolina this year, and I have spring fever as do my doods!

I gave the boys two raw-meaty bones this afternoon and sat in the deck chairs as they chewed the bones and enjoyed the breeze. Joe, who loves to swim, got into the pool with his raw-meaty bone in his mouth. He couldn't leave it on the deck or in the yard. It may be stolen! It did not take him long to realize the bone that weighs at least 3 pounds was not something you can swim a lap with and expect to do just fine!

He got about 3 feet into the pool when he realized he was taking on water! I mean literally! The bone is huge and will not fit into his mouth with his jaws closed. The water was seeping in all around causing him to swallow water. He deposited the bone in the pool and swam his usual lap. Of course I fished it out with the net!

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Comment by Brenda Hetzel on March 8, 2009 at 2:02pm
And the saga of thing 2 (I suppose Joe is thing2 and not thing1) continues...I enjoy your writng style. I can picture the scene as I sit at my comp. Things are blustery here in Cincy today. At least its 70 degrees though:) ~ Brenda p.s. Lucky is at my feet right under the key board and computer.


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