Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Home with the Flu in the Company of Thing 1 & Thing 2

I have had the misfortune of getting the flu- even after taking a flu shot! So I have had an unexpected leave from work for the past three days!
During these past few days I have had a chance to observe the doods up close and personal in a way that I haven't before. You can observe a lot when you are too sick to get out of bed!

Here is what I learned:

They sleep just about all morning. Our household gets up on a typical day by 6:00 a.m. The last family member is out of the door by 8:00 a.m. Well guess what the doods do by 8:15! Sleep. Sleep. And more sleep! They typically like to sleep in until noon when my husband comes home for lunch! Then they spend about an hour in the yard frolicking and playing. Then they come in and sleep until the children get home from school!

Yes, they like to steal - generally from each other. They are so hilarious! Both will have a bone, but you can see them scheming to steal the other's bone. I have watched them feign interest in me just to get close, close, and then closer to the bone they are attempting to snatch away from the other. Many times during the day I see one leave a bone, thinking the other doodle is snoozing, to get a drink of water. When the doodle drinking the water turns his back for just an instant the other doodle makes a lunge, steals the bone, and leaves the other generally walking around sniffing and looking trying to figure out what just happened!

Of course they like to sleep with their bones usually between their paws or just within reach of their mouths.

They also have Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde tendencies. They are the sweetest two doodles you could ever wish for to their humans. They can turn on each other or at least pretend to in a moment's notice. Usually this is all over a bone or sleeping. Capp, who is the gentlest of souls will lunge a Joe and snarl the meanest snarl if Joe even glances at his bone. I have come to somewhat realize this is because Joe does the majority of the thieving. Capp will give the tremendous double bark and jump at Joe's face stopping short of putting any teeth onto his brother. Joe will display his displeasure if Capp even thinks about getting in his personal space when he wants to sleep. Honestly, these doodles would seem ferocious if I caught it on tape. But they are simply all bark and no bite!

These two doodles have known I was not feeling well. They have been, for the most part exceptionally calm and devoted.

These dogs never cease to amaze me, and I could not have asked for better company during my time at home.

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Comment by DeeDee and Sheila on December 29, 2009 at 9:44pm
I love your whole page. It makes me miss NC, especially w/ the snow here, although a white Christmas was gorgeous this year. And since all kids, boyfriends made it home, we had a great time (first yr. in 34 w/o a dog though) boohoo. I love your Thing 1 and Thing 2. Your day of watching them was hilarious. Also love your pics and videos. I am so happy that Allie has decided on a school down south. She would hate this winter, that is for sure. In fact, I want to be one of your dogs. Cool vacation!! And they allowed dogs or is it your place, I forget?
Comment by Linda,Yankee & Finn on June 6, 2009 at 5:13pm
I really enjoyed reading this. Now I know what to look forward to when I get my 2nd doodle in July. And I AM looking forward to it. Feel better and enjoy the company..
Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on June 6, 2009 at 4:58pm
I love how you call them Thing 1 & Thing 2. Our Beagles are litter mates and have never been separated.
Comment by Jeri on March 5, 2009 at 6:09am
Sounds like my house. Our 60# Ausie Shepherd Mix Jaeger rules the roost over our 86# labradoodle Sam. I have pics of Sam as a puppy playing with Jaeger and it looks like they are soooo vicious, but never hurt each other. It is all play. Which continures to this day. Sam is 16 months. They do the bone and toy stealing too. Sleep; yep they are good at that!
Comment by GBK on March 4, 2009 at 9:49am
Hope you feel better soon! Love your observations, if you substitute my Buddy for Capp and Kona for Joe this would be my house as well :)
Comment by Brenda Hetzel on March 4, 2009 at 4:55am
Hope you arre feeling better! Joe's uncle can relate to that snarling and in the face thing because there's a 27 lb dog in this house that packs a whole lot of punch just like Capp! Loved reding the scenerio at your house. It made me smile :) ~ Brenda


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