Just want to say a big thank you to DK and it's members. I have gotten so much good information, lots of entertainment and more than a few good laughs. If not for DK I would be moving along blissfully unaware of all the things I was doing wrong for Quincy. He'd probably be eating crappy dog food and be a matted mess. I look forward to checking in every day to see what's new and to see what's happening to everyone the good and sometimes not so good.I love the way I get to meet people that I otherwise would not have met in a million years. I love looking at all the photos and reading all the comments. IWhat I love most about DK is the way it gets the word out about doodles in need and the way everyone steps up to help. So thanks again DK and especially to Adina who I know must invest an enormous amount of her time maintaining the site.
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