Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We have the same thing happen here night after night.  It reminds me of the movie, Groundhog Day, where the guy keeps waking up to find the same day repeated over and over. 

In our case, it is just the last hour before bedtime, so our movie would be called Bedtime Hour.  Every single night, without fail, John comes to bed, gets in, opens his Kindle, settles in, and within minutes, here comes Vern, wanting to go out.  Almost always, this moment happens during the last ten minutes of some fabulous show I have been watching and as I am sitting there awaiting the conclusion of the show.  I then say to John, “did you take the dogs out before you came to bed?” and he gets the same stunned look on his face every single night and he answers back with one of several excuses that he keeps on hand for just such an occasion.

I swear he has a script he has concocted since we got Fudge and Vern and he just tries to mix up his excuses to keep me on my toes and not say the same thing two nights in a row.  The same thing happens in my family for why no one but me will empty the dishwasher and I think my favorite excuse of all time was when he said he didn’t empty it one day because I was taking a nap and he was afraid he would wake me up.   Our bedroom is not that close to the kitchen and the only thing I could come up with to make sense of this excuse was he planned on spinning all the plates, bowls, and cups like you see in some of those acrobatic acts and he was worried about the outcome as he spun them from a pole or his finger to the shelf. 


Anyways, I know I should play hardball at this point and demand he take Vern out, but then we go through more secondary excuses as Vern sits there with his legs crossed trying to hold everything in and his eyes turning yellow.  Like a marionette doll being controlled by a puppeteer, I get up, although I will say I am louder than most dolls, and take Vern out.  There are just some things that trigger a fast response in me and telling me you have to go to the bathroom, especially in my car, turns me into Danica Patrick running the Indianapolis 500. 

Although it has never actually happened, I have an irrational fear that while I am weaving through cars on the Beltway trying to locate a bathroom, my passenger will turn to me and say, “You can slow down now. It is too late!’ and I will have to immediately pull over and post a sign on my car, For Sale, As Is! and find another way home.  The same feeling comes over me when someone tells me there is no bathroom where we are going and from that moment on, I wouldn’t drink one drop of any liquid even if I landed in the Sahara Desert for a sweating contest. The point all this is making is that when someone, person or dog, has to go to the bathroom, there should be a sense of urgency rather than a nod in that person’s or dog’s direction and a “he’s fine,” and back to doing what you were doing.


John isn’t the only member of my family guilty of ignoring a request to go out and potty.  My daughter, Megan, when we visited Portland, seemed inclined to ignore her dogs, too.  I don’t want to scream out “neglect”, but even though I have not seen my grand dogs in three years and this is actually the first time I met little Jazz, I could tell immediately I knew them better than my daughter.  Unfortunately, my best efforts kept getting me in trouble and a couple of times she got more than irritated and said, “They don’t need to go out. They just moved to get a better look at their crazy Grandma!” She all but told me to mind my own business and once when I woke up to find Jazz staring at me, I mouthed to him, “Grandma’s here. I’ll sneak you out to go potty.”  


Help me, Grandma!  I have to go potty!

All that was easier said than done when her house seemed booby-trapped to catch me in the act and she did, when I tripped over something on the way out the door.  Luckily for Bonzai, after I woke him up, Grandma was there to make sure he got to go out, too. 

Thank you, Grandma!

In the morning, she didn’t even have the courtesy to thank me for my efforts, but seemed to have some cockamamie theory that Vern has me so well trained that she thinks I automatically wake up once in the middle of the night and look around for a dog that needs to go out.  I’ll remember that when she starts having children and maybe I’ll just keep all my expertise to myself to teach her a lesson.

In all fairness to Vern, he has gotten so much better about the middle of the night potty breaks and I think if he is willing to make that one concession, the least we can do is take him out before we fall asleep.  I just keep trying to think where the best place would be to write ‘TAKE THE DOGS OUT NOW. YES, THAT MEANS YOU!” to get John’s attention.  Maybe the bathroom mirror, because ironically that is the last place he visits before he comes to bed, although I wouldn’t put it past him to say, “I didn’t take the dogs out because you were sleeping and I didn’t want to wake you up,” right after I say, “why can’t you remember to take the dogs out so I don’t have to get up?” One of these days, our Bedtime Hour movie is going to have a different ending.

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Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on September 14, 2013 at 7:01pm

Thanks, Gail!!

Sheila, LOL...she hasn't mentioned having to get up with them after we left and believe me, I would have heard something by now :) Do not encourage her to get a third dog....LOL!

Comment by Gail and Bailey on September 14, 2013 at 4:41pm

Great blog, Laurie!  I am absolutely in love with Vern!.....those eyes just melt me!!

Comment by Sheila & Finnley on September 14, 2013 at 11:41am

First of all Jazz looks like my French Bulldog neighbor Sassy and Bonzai looks like her sister Sugar. If Megan gets another Frenchie, I hope it is a rust color that looks like the last one next door Spicey.

I think you were being a very responsible grammy to the two fur babies. However if you taught them that getting up for wee wee time, in the middle of the night was a good thing, then I guess your daughter will have to re-train you on the next visit !

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on September 14, 2013 at 7:59am

DJ, Thank you! I have it pretty good, but that stays between you and me :) LOL

Comment by DJ & Chance on September 13, 2013 at 11:04pm

LOL, it is so much easier to blame the guy I decided not to marry for not taking out the dog, not picking up my socks, not putting dishes in and taking them out of the dishwasher, never buying groceries, never picking up dog poop, etc.  Another fun blog!

Comment by F, Calla & Luca on September 12, 2013 at 7:01pm

Really, I do sometimes lose sight of the alternative like in a crossword or something when I get stuck on one meaning. And I never thought about what you really meant. What a difference a capital can make. Now I feel better too.

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on September 12, 2013 at 6:54pm

F, I wondered if I spelled it incorrectly or something. I see it was the capital A that did me in. I even said to John tonight, "F must only shoot in automatic." Now, I feel better.

Pat, I hope Megan will take that into consideration :) I am glad you took Zoe out. Your friend was probably like Megan...."he's fine, Mom." LOL

Comment by F, Calla & Luca on September 12, 2013 at 6:27pm

How funny. You had me confused, it's easy to do. you wrote Aperture and I thought of the program, now had you said aperture I would agree, I do change my aperture often usually in order to change my DOF.

Comment by Pat and Traveler on September 12, 2013 at 6:02pm

Laurie, my friend's daughter calls Zoe the Bat Pig.  Please note:  I didn't say this, my friend's daughter did!

You'll appreciate that I managed to take both dogs outside a couple of times, as I didn't think my friend took Zoe out quite often enough.  LOL   Well, look at that face!  This little dog is always worried about something, and I just didn't want that worry to be that she might potty in the room because nobody took her out when she needed to go.  :)

Comment by Bonnie and Kona on September 12, 2013 at 3:32pm
If Jackdoodle is taking training clients, I will fly Owen out there tomorrow. Not sure it'll be a round trip ticket though. He's such a stinker.


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