Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

After reading the discussion..."Do you ever have second thoughts about your doodle"...I saw the reply with the Quote from  Pam Houston, "...the exact right dog will always come into your life just when you need him most. The world gives us everything we need just when we need it"


I decided After I read that that I would Share my Story About my Angel Jade.  As she was the Exact Dog When I needed her.


My Angel Jade.


On My husbands Birthday Aug 31st 1995 we got a call from our Flat Coated Retriever Breeder.  She wanted to know if we knew anyone that wanted a Sweet puppy that needed a good home-Born June 28th. She was free- as she had Luxating Patella in both of her knees.  And would need expensive surgery in the future to repair them.


Hmmm we couldn't think of anyone that wanted a dog.  Then We thought- Do we want another dog?  Jazz our other Flat Coat was about 3 at the time.  No- We have enough going on in our lives with 1 dog.  And our 2 daughters who were 5 & 7.5 yrs.  I was also still recovering from losing my Mom 4 years before, I felt Stressed.


We thought all day long about the puppy & asked a few people we knew what it was like having 2 dogs.  The next day we went to see this sweet puppy- So I could get a Puppy Fix.  Well she was Literally the sweetest Puppy ever!
And we came home with her!  We named her Jade. (Which means the Girl No One Wanted)


She was the best Dog from day one.  She loved Jazz & Jazz loved her.  She was so Gentle with the kids.  Not a Nippy Puppy at all.  She Hated her Kennel!  She would Claw & chew & try to get out of the kennel when we werent home- She would fill the bottom with Saliva- Sometimes so much we thought she had peed!
So the 1st night with her in the kennel- we got no sleep.  The 2nd night we tried the kennel in our bedroom.  Still she totally freaked out in it.  Howling & Whining, Scratching the Door & Sides.
Finally we took her out of the kennel & she went & slept on top of Jazz : )
From that day on she slept loose in our room- Never had one accident.
She was a True Geekster too! Not built like a Normal Flatcoat.  So Fun.  All she wanted to do was play.  She didnt care about eating like 'normal'  Flat Coats.  Her bad knees did not keep her from Running or playing.
And so our fun life began with a 2nd dog.
On Dec 28th 1995 Life stopped.  My Sister (my Best Friend) Died unexpectedly. Exactly 6 months after Jade was born...You see she was sent to me to help me through this tragedy.  And she did.  She sat with me for hours on end while I cried for months.  She cheered me up-She Kissed Away my Tears,  She got me through.  (I was a stay at home mom) So it was just me & the dogs usually during the day.
Life Continued.  We thought about having her knees fixed...But they were not bothering her & she would need to be in a Kennel for 4-6 weeks while she recovered from the surgery- something we knew she would Hate.
In April I noticed something inside of her nose- I watched it for a week -  It did  not go away.    On April 20th 1999 - My Sisters Bday.  We found out Jade had cancer.  We were devasted.  We could not cure the cancer.  We choose a simple Pill Chemo for her & Prednisone.  it would not save her...But would help her in the next few months feel good & enjoy life.  The vet said she had 3-6 months to live.
Well she lived 6 very Happy months.  Except when she had pee accidents from the prednisone...This was the spring that I was Extremely anemic  (Hemoglobin was 7) And I spent a lot of the day on the couch...I had no energy.  I let her out every hour to pee & thats about all I could do.
But sometimes we didn't make it outside fast enough & poor Jade felt so bad when she had an accident...I  told her it was ok & Id clean it up.
Jade made it past 6 months by 8 days.   She felt Good All of those months...Up Until the very end.   We made the decision when we found her laying near her water dish- needing a drink- but too weak to get one.
We all said goodbye. We took Pictures in the front yard.  And went to the vets together.


Jade died Oct 28th 1999.   She was the Best Dog I ever had.




I find it Ironic that I decided to Post this Blog today...As it is my Sisters Birthday
Happy Birthday Carrie  : ) .

If you look at my  blog 'A House is not a Home'....



There is a 'Connection' Between those 2 dogs...We got Deja 7 months after Jade died.


Views: 46


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Comment by Bonnie and Kona on April 20, 2011 at 9:48pm
Thank you for writing so poignantly about your dear Jade.
Comment by cheryl & oliver on April 20, 2011 at 8:03pm
What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful friend and dog...I cried as I read it, people and pets come into our lives for many reasons, they stay for what ever time is given us, and we love them, and mourn their passing.  But the memories they leave with us last forever, and for that we have to be grateful...Jade came and did her job with you.  she was a friend, a wonderful pet, and a much needed soul for you...She loved you and you her, what could be better then that...She was one of those angel souls that come to help and guide us thru our lives....
Comment by Suzann, Rosey & Bandit on April 20, 2011 at 7:52pm

Wow, what an inspiring story.  You have certainly had your fair share, but I find you to be remarkable to also help Jade, who in turn was there to help you...blessings

Comment by Tina, Clover, Plus 5 More on April 20, 2011 at 3:54pm
What a heart warming story, it brought tears to my eyes reading it.
Comment by Camilla and Darwin on April 20, 2011 at 3:21pm
This is such a wonderful touching story, thank you so much for sharing. Dogs are truly remarkable, Jade sounds like she was a loving pet and friend.
Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on April 20, 2011 at 2:22pm
Pam, I read this blog this morning and then it disappeared. I wrote you a private comment about this blog. I am so sorry you lost your sister and glad Jade could provide you the comfort you needed. It is amazing how a dog can help. I am also sorry, Jade lived such a short time, but glad she found her way to you!
Comment by Nicky, Riley & Boris on April 20, 2011 at 11:33am

What a truly wonderful story, so full of love.  I think there is a book somewhere on DH, I really do. Every day I read real life stories that you all share.  They are truly awesome and happy and sad, a mirror of life itself.  Thank you.

Jade does indeed mean love.

Comment by Joyce & Wilson on April 20, 2011 at 11:23am
Thank you Pam for sharing this story. I know pets connect with us when we need them the most.  Also I think the name Jade now  means love!!
Comment by Jane, Rooney & Stuart on April 20, 2011 at 11:16am
Beautiful story - thanks for sharing it with us. 
Comment by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on April 20, 2011 at 10:08am
Oops I just read your subtitle "My Angel Jade!. I guess you already figured it out!! :)


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