Our team had to cancel our flyball weekend, so I've been trying to do extra things with Halas this weekend to try to make up for it. We went to the Peoria Doodle Romp yesterday, and I took him hiking/swimming this morning. We have a nice area of trails that run along a creek, and that's where we went this morning. Halas had a blast running through the water, but there weren't any spots deep enough to swim. So he just ran through the water, ran on the banks, ran in the water, ran on the banks, etc. I had him on his 20-ft lead, and he was running along the bank when he stopped to sniff a stick. I caught up with him and realized that the stick had a head. So, yes, he was sniffing a snake. He was sniffing the back half of the snake, but the snake had his head raised. I have no idea what kind of snake it was. Probably just some kind of water snake, but I felt that sniffing it was a bad idea. I couldn't make a leash correction, because Halas was on the 20-ft lead, and I was only a few feet away at this point. So I said, "Halas. Leave it!" And he did! I was kind of surprised. Leave it works in the field behind our house when he's sniffing poop or something, but I didn't figure it would work against something as interesting as a snake. So he hopped over it and walked away. I looked back, and the snake slowly made it's way into the water. I decided that we were pretty tired at that point, so we left the creek and focused on the trail.
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