Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I've been so distraught, but am finally getting over it.  After two nights with baby George my son and daughter-in-law decided they couldn't deal with a puppy!  Two Nights!  Poor little guy was only 8 weeks and they were the first two nights away from him mom and siblings.  Oh my, and he peed and pooped on the floor too!  I think they forgot what puppies were like - or at least my son did.  His wife hasn't ever had a dog and isn't really a dog lover (though I don't understand that anyone could be like that).  They actually considered taking him back to the breeder.  They were aware that we had offered to care for him any time or full time till he was house broken.  Clearly we adore dogs!  And we do have certain expectations of a puppy that include lots of paper towels, toilet paper, Resolve, Natures Miracle, etc. 

But instead they shipped him off to Florida to my husband's ex and my son's mom.  It won't be that bad as she has trained the dog she has to be quite well behaved.  (She calls him a service dog so that he can fly with her in the cabin - a large lab.)  She flew up, spend a few days, the away she flew with George taking him out of our lives until November.  Her promise is to housebreak him, teach him basic skills, socialize him and then  bring him back to them. 

I'm so afraid that will never happen.  She will find some reason that she just has to keep him after all these weeks of bonding; and after all, her lab is old and won't be around lots longer and then she'll be all alone.  (She's a pro at having pity parties for herself.)

From an outsider's point of view most people would say, "so what's the big deal if everyone is happy"?  But I guess we had so much vested in the little guy.  I found him on the Internet.  Tom went over and built gates to their fenced but ungated yard. We got them a crate for his puppy stage and a bunch of toys.  And he is a goldendoodle!  He stole our hearts and we wanted him as close as our granddaughter!

So I've been heartsick for over a week, but am finally getting over it.  The really sad thing is that I bet we visit the kids less now that George isn't there.  That does't say much for the quality of our grandparenting, but my husband enjoys dogs more than toddlers.  Sad times.  I sure hope it works out the way they plan it and he comes back in early November.  But I hope their expectations aren't set too high as he'll still be chewing things, jumping when he's excited, dive-bombing the Christmas tree for all the great balls on it....  We'll see and I'll keep you all posted.



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Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on September 5, 2012 at 8:56pm

I am sorry that your kids didn't let you have George to raise, but it sounds like the ex loves animals too and will give him a good home.  I think that your son and DIL just aren't at the place in their lives to have and enjoy a dog - perhaps when their child is older?

Comment by Jean, Rylee and Cooper on September 5, 2012 at 3:02pm

Hope everything works out. Puppies are a lot of work and some people just are not up for the challenge.

Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on September 4, 2012 at 1:49pm

Oh I am sorry :(  I hope the puppy ends up having a great life though.  Keep us posted. And I know what you mean about people that don't like dogs or aren't really "dog people". I don't really get them 100%!

Comment by Tessa, Ellie and Wheezy on September 3, 2012 at 6:21pm

I'm as bad as you......I love doodles.....and I know it made you heart sick......I hope you start feeling better...*hug*

Comment by Joanne ~ Spud* on September 3, 2012 at 4:58pm

I'm sorry, Kathy

Comment by Lynda Kamrath on September 3, 2012 at 11:33am

The puppy will be fine.  It sounds like you wanted a puppy for your son more than they did.  It is hard to balance a puppy and a baby (even a puppy as darling as a goldendoodle), if it were not their idea.  Grandmother was nice to take the puppy and I think you are right that the puppy will end up her dog.  Sounds like he has a nice home with Grandma.

Comment by Becka on September 3, 2012 at 10:28am

This story breaks my heart--for the puppy. Whether or not this woman "is a pro at having pity parties for herself," she's made an incredibly generous offer. I hope that everyone involved does what's best for George--even if that means he stays with the person who has offered to put in the work that your son and his wife aren't willing to do.

Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on September 3, 2012 at 9:56am

The only saving grace is that the puppy was only there 2 days and not 2 years. I know how your heart is breaking Kathy and for that I am sorry. I will bet that George stays in Florida and he has a fantastic life. I can only hope.

Comment by Elizabeth, Bailey & Bruin on September 3, 2012 at 9:26am

Poor puppy....Do they not realize that a puppy is a puppy for a year or two...  AND why get a dog if you are "not really a dog person"?

Comment by Kaytlin and Cooper on September 3, 2012 at 9:11am

That is sad... after just 2 days. Really, what were they thinking? If they wanted a house broken dog they should have adopted an older dog. Isnt sending the dog away against their adoption contract with their breeder?


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