Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Today was supposed to be a rainy day but instead it was 75 degrees and sunny. I spent a little time doing some gardening and clean up from a recent wind storm and then we went out for our afternoon outing, which is what we do on all nice days on the weekends. As we were out walking, I got to thinking how sometimes when we see things so often, we really don't see them anymore. I started to look, really look at what was around me and try and see through new eyes. This is not an easy thing to do when you are suffering from old sightedness but I gave it my best shot. So I started taking pictures with my ever present camera and did so right up until the battery died because I had forgotten to charge it. The sun has now set, the camera is recharged, the doodle is asleep so I thought I would share a few of the things my eyes have seen today.

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Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on July 18, 2011 at 1:53pm

All I can say is that you are lucky to live in such a BEAUTIFUL PLACE. 

But even though I don't have some of those views, you are so correct in that we need to slow down and appreciate the beauty around us.  I love it when it cools off and I can take walks around our neighborhood with dood and chi.  I just breathe in that air and look at the park-like setting I am fortunate enough to live in.

Comment by Leslie and Halas on July 17, 2011 at 6:26pm
Great pictures.  I'd do a lot more walking with Halas if our walks had the same views that your walks have.
Comment by Dori & Rua on July 17, 2011 at 2:23pm

How beautiful...we all need to remember "Slow down, you move too fast, you've gotta make the morning last.  Just kickin' down the cobble-stones, lookin' for fun and feeling groovy!"  

Comment by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla on July 17, 2011 at 1:16pm
What you said is VERY true-everyone needs to slow down and enjoy what we have. I probably told you this before but you live in a beautiful place and just awesome pictures too! Thanks Donna
Comment by Doris, Knox & Flash on July 17, 2011 at 11:40am
Absolutely gorgeous pics!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Comment by F, Calla & Luca on July 17, 2011 at 10:37am
Wow, as some of us have said before you live in  a beautiful place. But we all do have some beauty around us that all too often we overlook. Thanks for the reminder to really look. Stunning photos.
Comment by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty on July 17, 2011 at 8:42am
BEAUTIFUL! Get your guest room ready Donna, Sophiebear and I are moving in!
Comment by Frances Pendrous (Horan) on July 17, 2011 at 7:56am
You are one amazing,talented lady my dear. This may come easy to you, but to many, this is a total gift from God. Thank you for sharing....xx
Comment by Donna K & Quincy on July 17, 2011 at 7:48am

Thank you all for the wonderful comments, we really do take a lot of things for granted and just need to look at them a little differently. There is a project on going called the East Coast Trail, which is a plan for a trail system that will take you all around the island following the coast line. These pics were taken from a small part of that trail just a few minutes from where we live. We have done a few sections of the trail and plan to do some more when the weather is a little cooler, Quincy doesn't tolerate the heat very well and I am not leaving him behind, miles of off leash time is for him is priceless.

@ Carol, maybe I should check out the Chamber of Commerce, I could use a part time job next summer when I am retired. Heck, they wouldn't have to pay me just give me a gas credit card and I'm all set. :>)

My camera usually goes with me everywhere and I have tons of pics. I may start an album sometime with just these photos when I have more time but I already spend too much time on DK as it is. My DH walked in the room yesterday, looked at me and said, "yep, you're addicted". I tried to stay off the computer but as you can see from this post last night, it didn't work.  :>)

Comment by Carol and Banjo on July 17, 2011 at 5:54am
Beautiful Donna!   Your local Chamber of Commerce would do well to hire you!


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