The first week of Ayla in our lives seems like such a long time ago- but only 2 months have passed She was a scared, shy, untrusting pup. I wondered, will she ever show any affection for me ( like me) at all? Being a mom of an autistic child , you learn to accept that when your child does'nt show any emotions ( or does'nt know how to express emotions the same way) towards you. You live with that. But having a pup generally not wanting to play with me was sad, at the beginning. It's strange how it seems a moment in time when a particular incident should bring us bother closer. Sometime in the middle of January , on a cold & snowy morning, my first step outdoors sent me gliding on icy stairs falling hard & downwards- with 2 leashes still attatched to my hands. Ayla seemed to know i was in pain- she just stood there next to me, calm , waiting. After that happened, every single time i step outside my front door with her- she never takes a step down-ever, she always waits , till i have to plead her ,"it's okay, let's go" as if she were remembering that cold morning. She has since then wagged her tail to me, which may seem something small, but my heart soared the day that happened. Sometimes it's the small things, details, you have to look at, that show you that you are wanted & loved.
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