Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Twas the night before a fourth birthday, when all through the house

The only creature stirring was a very large VernMouse

The stockings were someplace, but we have no idea where

We have reverted to bags because St. Nicholas doesn’t care


Fudgie was snuggled all snug in her dog bed

While visions of rabbits danced in her head

Mama was in bed, and Dada was having a nightcap

Hoping mama was awake and not pretending to nap


When out in the kitchen, there arose a huge clatter

And Vern went berserk to see what was the matter

I remember thinking, oh dear, not tonight

Does that darn dog ever sleep and why so uptight


Luckily, I looked outside and there was no fallen snow

It was easier to turn on the lights and glance to and fro

When, what to my tired eyes should appear

But my daughter making dog treats and having a beer


She had opened the dehydrator and was giving it a test

Despite the fact that it was late and we wanted to rest

“Mom, it’s Fudge’s birthday on Christmas or did you forget?”

I wanted to make something special for our little brunette


Forget, me, never, how dare you imply

That my heart doesn’t light up when Fudge is nearby

For four years ago on a beautiful Christmas Day

Our Fudgie was born and to us made her way


We had some requirements and out they all came

I told the breeder repeatedly that this was our aim

“We want a brown coat!

Not too big, not too tall!

A laid back personality

Is a definite must for all

At the top of the list

We made it quite clear

Calm dog!  Calm dog!

Do not dash our hopes!


We picked up our sweetie on a nice, March day

It was Friday the 13th, an omen you say

She was certainly brown and not too big or too tall

But calm she wasn’t, not outside at all


She was perfectly perfect in her doodley good looks

And we laughed when we met her until we all shook

The breeder told us she was the calmest one in the pack

We still laugh about that one, and call her a quack


We thank our stars for our Fudge every day

We would have missed out on so much if she hadn’t come our way

Sometimes you don’t know what you want till you get it

And then you see you fit together like a ball and a mitt


So, on this night before Fudge’s birthday, when you are ready for bed

Listen closely for bells, a whistle, or sled

Meanwhile, in our house, at the end of the night

We will all be saying, thank you for Fudge, you got it just right!

Happy Birthday, Fudge!!  You light up our life!

Views: 236


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Comment by Deanna & Desi & Cori on December 24, 2012 at 5:11pm

Wow!  Laurie, I knew you were a great blogger, but a poet as well???  

Happy Birthday, dear Fudge!!!  Looks like you got your best present ever four years ago - when you got your wonderful "Mommy" and "Daddy".  You truly are one lucky pup!!!

Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on December 24, 2012 at 3:45pm

nandcbeach birthday

Comment by Carol and Banjo on December 24, 2012 at 3:07pm
Thanks TaraBear and F!
Comment by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on December 24, 2012 at 2:47pm

Thanks Sandy!

Happy Birthday Banjo! xoxo TaraBear

Comment by F, Calla & Luca on December 24, 2012 at 2:27pm
Happy Birthday Banjo.
Comment by Carol and Banjo on December 24, 2012 at 2:11pm

Happy Birthday Beautiful Fudge!!!!  I know so well the joy you've brought  your family!    We're celebrating Banjo's 3rd Birthday today!  

Comment by cheryl & oliver on December 24, 2012 at 1:33pm

Hey Fudge, Oliver here, wow a birthday on Christmas!!!!...Make sure u get two sets of presents, that what my Mom told me to tell you...AND she said to say Happy Birthday, and so many many more for you. How lucky for you that you were adopted into your wonderful family with such a wonderful Mom & Dad,and such a talented Mom!!!...Of course they are very lucky too, they got you!!!!!..Take care my friend and Happy Birthday, and Merry Christmas to you & Vern and all the family!!!.. Mom says that I have to sqay Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas from her too!!!!

Comment by F, Calla & Luca on December 24, 2012 at 12:40pm
I read great tribute with rhyme schemes known and not
The doodles were asking, "You're excited about what?'"
Fudge's birthday I told Calla and Luca
They wanted to run out and buy a hookah
I said nothing doing, you know we don't smoke at all
But we'll send Fudge good wishes, hope you each have a ball.
Comment by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on December 24, 2012 at 12:14pm


A little birthday toast

For the girl who's the most

Beautiful and stunning

Playful and cunning

Who loves  her toys

And brings too all such joys

Here's to you sweet Fudge

May you never be a Pudge

Happy Birthday, Beautiful!!!!!

Okay Tara made me put that last line in since she is so weight conscious now! LOL!

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on December 24, 2012 at 11:58am

Oops...Karen, I forgot to say thank you!

Jane, Thank you! You are absolutely welcome any time :)

Sheila, It turns out the 13th was very lucky for us, too :) Thank you & have a Merry Christmas!


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