California was fun last weekend :) Nancy and her family came out on Sunday to watch all the dogs and stayed long enough to see Buddy and I compete. Wish you would have been there Saturday, we did so much better :o
Nancy sent me the pictures that are attached!
Saturday was so great, we ended up with a 96 score and first place with a big blue rosette to add to our collection of mounting ribbons. There was a lady with a beautiful gray standard poodle that came in second and she sheepishly asked if we were competing the next day too. She actually advanced up to the next level, but she sure shouldn't have worried about Sunday becuase we did NOT do our best. It got really windy, and I think Buddy was tired and definitely distracted by all the blowing debris. We squeeked by with a 71 score, with 70 being the lowest qualifying score you can get, but we were the only one in the Advanced A class and ended up with another first place rosette. I could tell early on that I just did not have his attention that day, but I did work hard, and we did finish up our title! Buddy now will have a RA after his name YEAAAH.
No Jump Today Mom!
Come Front
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