Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We have been practicing 'Watch Me' and 'Take It'

K, you have to remember that I was old school obedience when I trained our other dogs. I am not use to treat training, so this is novel for me. Being the proud parent that I am I must brag about my smart little doodle. In our first class in PK we learned 'Watch Me'. This is where you take a treat, show it to your puppy to get their attention then hold the treat between your eyes while you say ‘Watch Me’. When your dog makes eye contact you immediately give the dog the treat and say ‘Take It’. Harlow and I were practicing tonight; after 10 minutes we were up to a several second interval between ‘Watch Me’ and ‘Take It’. We are definitely planning to show off our new skill to anyone willing to watch.

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Comment by BetteB on June 18, 2009 at 7:44am
Keep up the good work! We practiced a lot with take it/drop it... but I wish we'd done more "watch" b/c Agnes is much more slack with that one now. Good luck with your classes.
Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on June 16, 2009 at 6:25pm
At first she tried to jump up and take the treat from my hand, but now she is good about waiting for the 'Take It' command. Harlow loves to play fetch. When I throw the ball I say 'Take It' and when she brings back the ball I say 'Give' as she drops it in my hand. I have done this from the first I tossed the ball for her. I have started making her 'Wait' after throwing the ball before letting her 'Take It'. Maybe not jumping between the 'Watch Me' and 'Take It' is partly due to our play time training.
Comment by Janie on June 16, 2009 at 12:18pm
It is fun to train our dogs....when they catch on we are so proud of them.
Comment by Vicki on June 16, 2009 at 11:49am
Does jump up and take it from your hand?


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