Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We pulled in to our hotel parking lot close to 7pm and immediately we went for a jog/walk. As I said before I HATE HATE HATE driving long distances and my thigh was sooo sore! (Clarkipoo is typically the driver of this family and at most I drive 1-2 hours on ANY length trip). Go ahead, laugh at my wimpy self :-p (though I only stopped ONCE when I missed an exit).

So we walked the neighborhood for 10 minutes or so for Rosco to shake out all his potty needs and then while we checked in he appointed himself 'official hotel greeter" getting love from everyone coming and going.. =)

After that came loading/unloading and then the mission to find food. And now I'm ready to crash. Rosco, meanwhile is a bit restless as he usually is in new places.

He LOOKS nice and comfy with this on-the-bed 'royal treatment' but he jumped off immediately after this pic...LOL

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Comment by Kathy Wilson on April 15, 2009 at 9:35am
Looks like he's checkin' his e-mail! ;o)
Comment by Adina P on March 18, 2009 at 5:42pm
LOL--you guys crack me up! We have about 50 minutes till dinner and I told Rosco to type this for me while I lay on the hotel bed and scan cable (my fav thing about hotels!). Rosco says although he doesn't understand why we are driving around so much he's pleased that he's getting MORE walking in than back home (guilty momma feels bad for him being stuck in the car so long!) and that's not so bad. He also visited a dog park today (empty but we did it!).
Comment by Cam & Oski on March 18, 2009 at 10:22am
So Rosco's been promoted to assistant system admin or do we call him the infamous doodle hacker--El Doodle? Glad to hear you guys made it to your comfy room without incident :)
Comment by Missi on March 18, 2009 at 8:51am
Was Rosco making sure that Thule and Cass were staying in line? Or keeping up with his friends on DK? Like Karen, I would love to know how your voice-typer-thing does with his barks? Woof (lol) Woof (what's up?) Woof (hey!) Woof Woof Woof WOOF (I'm in a hotel with MOM!!!!!) I knew you couldn't get to all those responses yourself, Adina! In fact, I'm sure Rosco posted this fabulous picture of himself too! Haha, have fun on your mini-vacay you two!
Comment by Yvonne, Riley, Murphy and Luca on March 18, 2009 at 6:47am
That is the most adorable picture! Was he checking Doodle Kisses?
Comment by Kim Williams on March 18, 2009 at 5:37am
What a cute picture! It looks so color coordinated with your gorgeous Rosco. It should be an advertisement for the hotel you are staying in.
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on March 18, 2009 at 4:51am
Glad to see you made you trip safe and sound! Be safe on yur drive back.
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on March 18, 2009 at 4:49am

Samantha is an Empty Nester Furkid - gets sooo many more priviledges than any other puppy I have ever had the pleasure of spending our lives with. Samantha just wanted to show Rosco what he is missing - the control over the remote!!!!
Comment by Zoe, Benny and Tyler on March 18, 2009 at 3:11am
Now be honest, the truth is that Rosco was still chatting with home when you took the picture. :)
I wish you both a a good time and drive back safe.
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on March 17, 2009 at 10:05pm
I knew you must have help keeping up with things here on DK! Now we know the truth! Tell me, that thingie you speak into instead of typing, does it understand and translate when Rosco barks?
He looks like he's saying "Mom, I'm tired from our trip! Can't I just say goodnight to all the Doodle Kissers and go to bed?"


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