Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So, over the past few weeks, we have pretty much abandoned the crate for Peri. She has been doing great having almost-full reign of the house (we close our bedroom doors and some bathroom doors). We come home every day during lunch to take Taquito and Peri on a walk. Every day, Peri is waiting at the door for us, usually yawning like she has been asleep. We inspect the house every time and have yet to find any remnants of chewing.....(knock on wood!).

I am very proud of my little lady. But my question is, what does she do all day? I am dying to get a nanny cam to see what the heck she is up to. We leave out toys for her and an antler or two, but I don't think she does much besides sleep and sit at the window looking out over the golf course putting green. We know she does that because there is so much slobber on the window these days!!! Pretty cute!

My main reasons for the blog are to 1) brag that my Peri is finally becoming trustworthy :) and 2) do you know what your dood does while you are away?

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Comment by Leigh & Allie on July 22, 2010 at 9:47am
Congratulations to you and Peri!!!! DH insisted a while back that we let Allie have free reign. I was against it and left an eaten up magazine for HIM to clean up, but that has really been it. Oh yeah, except for a one time she got stuff out of the bathroom garbage can one time. THAT was fun to clean up but I really think she "got" that I was not happy because she has not done it again. She actually got an empty tissue roll out of the garbage not long ago (one of her favorite things to tear up) and she just left it there. Here is the really cute part. I usually open the garage door before I am in sight of the house with the remote. A few days ago I waited until I could see the front door before I did it to see if I could tell where she was in the house. So I sit there in the car in front of the house and hit the remote and she comes flying down the stairs, bends down to look out the front door window, see that it is us then I could see her run like the wind to the garage door window. This window is high so all you can see is the top of her head as she tries to jump to look out the window. It is the cutest thing I have EVER seen. answer your question. Allie sits at the top of the stairs to survey and protect. You should hear her when someone comes to the door that she does not know. You would think she is 200 pounds. Good guard puppy and when she see it is us FINALLY she runs to greet us. I am sure Peri is doing the same. WAY TO GO PERI!!!!!
Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on July 22, 2010 at 5:57am
It is interesting, because like some others, I'm home with my girls most of the time and they sleep, the majority of the day. Might wake up to come say hello, or go potty, or move to whatever room I'm in, but they mostly sleep. My biggest concern when I leave is that although I know they sleep most of the time, what if they get to running and rough housing, and one of them gets hurt. So, even though I have left them with no problems, normally if I'm going to be gone for more than a couple hours, I will put them in their room. I know they are safe in there as they for some reason do not rough play when they are in their room. I also think they feel more secure in their room when they are by themselves. They are used to being there, and even if I'm planning to leave them out, they seem to know when I'm getting ready to leave and when they come in from their "potty", they go to there room anyway! I give them a treat, but don't leave any stuffed kongs or anything if they are both going to be there. If I'm taking Sophie on a therapy visit and leaving Lucy, I do give her a treat toy for while we are gone as something special for her. However half the time she saves it till we come home and then Sophie takes it!
Comment by Kendra K. Rhoton on July 22, 2010 at 5:15am
Remington sleeps all day long in our bed with his Dad... some doodles have the life don't they! Congrats to Peri!
Comment by Carol and Banjo on July 22, 2010 at 4:39am
I can only dream of leaving Banjo uncrated while we're out. Lucky you!!!! You should be VERY proud of your little lady! Banjo was doing very well in the house alone when we'd leave him to work in the yard, but lately he's been getting into mischief almost before we close the door! Just this morning he jumped up onto our bed (this is a 1st for him - our bed is very high) and grabbed DH's money from the night stand and began EATING it!!! DH is out $20 (pulled a little corner of the remaining bill from his mouth) and Banjo is in his crate for the moment. Not sure what's going on in his little head these days. He gets plenty of exercise and playtime. I think we're going to have to go back to square one with training. Keeping him tethered and crated, etc. In the meantime I can only dream............
Comment by Lorraine Bromley on July 21, 2010 at 9:49pm
Neely spends most of his time napping and wandering around looking for the next napping spot. Has a few nibbles of food and a few sips of water inbetween spots. Stretches out and does bows, sniffs Jazzie to see if shes still alive (shes almost 16) Checks out the view from the front windows and takes a gander out the patio windows to see if the rabbits are out eating her lawn in full taunting view again. That happens alot! He knows when the mail man comes so he keeps and eye out for him to bark at and say hello, one of his closest friends. Also the girl that delivers the papers he looks forward to her too but we are usually home at that time and he is out front waiting for her to come and he gets his toy and runs up to her to share it with her cause he likes her just like the mailman. Otherwise all you would here is alot of loud thuds when he repositions himself on the floors. Mostly though the two love seats are his favorite place to sleep and he alternates during the day.
Comment by cheryl & oliver on July 21, 2010 at 8:53pm
Well my two like to sleep much of the time I think. I am home pretty much during the day with them, and like Jane said that is our routine much of the time. If I go out, I usually leave a kong for each of them on the kitchen mat filled with peanut butter, and when I come home the kongs are empty, and usually in the family room. I close all the doors to the bedrooms, and bathrooms, and they both love to lie by the sliding glass door in the eating area of our kitchen, and watch the world go by. The only damage I have had was once when Oliver ate the edge of the woodwork, and some of the wallpaper above it. That was a long time ago, and all the areas that they are in have tiled floors in case of an accident, but we haven't really had those either, so I am also very proud of my Oliver. Of course his older brother Renny keeps an eye on him, even if Oliver towers over him at this time. Renny is 14 yrs old, and loves to play with Oliver, on his terms, lol, but when he has had enough Oliver has learned to back off...Right now they are sleeping with their paws together as I type this. Oliver still goes in his crate at night for sleeping, Renny has free run of the house, Oliver hears its night night time, and in he runs to his crate, It is in our room, and I am not going to change that since he loves it, and only goes in his crate at night. I do keep my bedroom door closed during the day since Oliver ate my glasses off the nightstand. He still will chew weird things, so I make sure he doesn't have access to things when I am not around to watch him...
Comment by F, Calla & Luca on July 21, 2010 at 7:25pm
My two are still crated when I'm out. But you should be quite proud of Peri!
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on July 21, 2010 at 6:56pm
I'm pretty sure Jackdoodle sleeps most of the time when he's home alone. Then first time I left him alone in the house, he got every article of footwear that was accessible and put them all in his bed; six pairs of shoes and boots! He did chew one of the boots a little. Now we close the mudroom door when we leave. I still occasionally find my PJ top or T-shirt on the bed where he usually sleeps when I come home, but I give him access to my laundry hamper deliberately, it seems to comfort him to cuddle up with some unwashed item of my clothing. Otherwise, there has never been anything disturbed when he's home alone, and he's never been crated since I got him at 14 months old.
Congrats on your trustworthy little lady! You have every right to be proud of her!
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on July 21, 2010 at 2:55pm
Miss Peri certainly is a good girl, and you should be a proud Doodle Mom. I'm home all day and my guys pretty much follow me from room to room and just wait for me to talk/pet/hug/treat/play with them. They will lay down and sleep in whatever room I happen to be in (they could care less what DH is doing). When they get bored, they play with each other (fight over toys, jump on or bite each other, zoomies, chase, or tug), and then they go back to sleep. Of course, in between we have their walks. When I'm not home I think they just wait for me to come back...Guinness on the bottom stair by the front door, and Murph on the top stair.
Comment by Camilla and Darwin on July 21, 2010 at 11:55am
I am home most of the day, and Darwin sleeps, sleeps sleeps. I am actually shocked at how much he can sleep. Lazy doodle!


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