Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Peri 100% back to normal after her kennel cough ordeal last week. Feels great and I am relieved!

Here's the deal: even before the cough, she was starting to calm down significantly. She is now 13 1/2 months old. We let her have free roam of the house while we are gone now most of the time. She will sleep in on the weekends. We might have one zoomie/month now - I actually miss those - can you believe it?

And here's the real kicker: my mom LOVES Peri now. She even volunteered to keep both Peri and Taquito while we are in Ireland for a week in July. She said she is so much better now it is unbelievable!

Sooo, what's going on - WTD (What the dood)? I need your vote:

1. Is this just a stage of calmness before the storm?


2. Is Peri just becoming a Lady now?

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Comment by Kevin Poole, Penny & Ozzy on May 20, 2010 at 3:45pm
Yup, I'd go for #2 as well! Our Penny is 13 1/2 months, and acts very grown-up most of the time now. It's nice, but I miss the puppyness too!
Comment by Nancie & Gracie Doodle on May 17, 2010 at 10:50pm
That happened to Gracie Doodle but it was closer to 2 years old...I think. Though, bring a tennis ball into the mix and she is crazy wild again. We still get zoomies after baths and every now and then when she takes something from us to get us to play with her out in the yard. I vote for #2.
Comment by Susan and Sasha on May 17, 2010 at 8:00pm
I also vote for #2...with a very little bit of # 1!! I think that she is a lovely combination of a "lady" with the fun and excitement that a puppy brings. Just when I think that Sasha is growing up...the "zoomies" start!! (smile) It's when she listens so well when I tell her to sit and stay...and then she see's a's back to being a puppy again!! lol...
The one thing that I that you are an amazing Mom...and she is the "Amazing Lady Peri"... both have an AMAZING life...full of AMAZING adventures...ahead of you...Together...
Comment by F, Calla & Luca on May 17, 2010 at 6:48pm
I vote for #2. A neighbor and I had a casual block party in my yard yesterday and we could not believe how well behaved my dogs were. This was amidst lots of adults, children and 2 other dogs!. I had, on the invitation, said that tame children and animals were welcome . My neighbor suggested we omit that but I said that if people had no sense of humor, they needn't come : )
Comment by Barbara Burrows on May 17, 2010 at 6:47pm
Number 2, I hope it continues for you. Both of mine changed when they were 11 months old. At 2 & 2 1/2 they still love to play, get excited, but know when to behave..The one thing I haven't been able to do is stop Molly from climbing like a cat.
Comment by Laura & Chewie on May 17, 2010 at 6:24pm
Oh and by the way, so glad she's feeling 100% after last week.
Comment by Laura & Chewie on May 17, 2010 at 6:23pm
Peri has always been "Lady" Peri and now she's become the more dignified verson...LOL. I have also mentioned how Chewie has calmed down (for the most part)...could he becoming a gentleman?
Comment by Debbie and Thomas on May 17, 2010 at 4:57pm
I posted a blog last month about how my doodle Thomas had calmed down. He has turned into a very laid back kind loving creature and sometimes we actually call him "the lump" he is so laid back. He is 19 mths old now but this started several mths ago. This was certainly not the case as a puppy...he was so full of energy that in the evenings it became very annoying the way he demanded constant attention. I never thought his "vampire" stage would end but it has and we are LOOOOVVVVING it.
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on May 17, 2010 at 3:57pm
I think Miss Peri has definitely become a Lady, fitting of her very special name. Now I usually like to download a song for special occasions such as these. So, I searched I Tunes, and guess what came up? "She's A Lady"...perfect, right. Nope, it's a Tom Jones song, and I just couldn't bring myself to download any Tom Jones song....way too many memories of crazy girls (now much older women like myself) throwing their panties on the stage at this very unappealing (in my opinion) Dude. So, I had to go with some different two "Lady" songs on DK in honor or our own special Lady Peri.
Comment by Donna K & Quincy on May 17, 2010 at 3:28pm
Quincy is now 16 mos old and lately I also have been noticing small changes. He is sometimes laying down quietly when he would normally be on the go. A couple of times I wondered if there was something wrong with him, but he still never misses a chance to steal the tiolet tissue, socks, dish towels and anything else soft he can get his teeth on. He makes folding laundry a real challenge. Hopefully the answer for you is the second one.


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