Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This afternoon Cocoa threw up and was a bit listless. When I checked on her she felt damp around her mouth and on her front legs.. I tried to get her moving a bit to check on her and she was having trouble walking. She threw up again. I rushed her to the vet who had me take her to the doggie hospital. It seems that she ingested something toxic. She was drooling like crazy (thus the wetness), listless and couldn't walk well when I took her in. Her blood work came back normal... so it a neurological reaction to something. I am so worried about her. I can't imagine what she ate- my house is quite safe because I have 5 year old twins. We never let her outside unsupervised. Of course, she is 5 months old and eats everything in sight. Has anyone else had this happen?

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Sorry to hear about your little Cocoa. I will offer up a prayer for for healing. There are many things she could have ingested in a moments notice. One thing that comes to mind is Xylitol, a sugar-alcohol sweetener. Could she have gotten in to some gum or such?
Ohhhh.... I am so sorry to hear about this. I hope the doctor finds out what is wrong and Cocoa gets better soon!!
Did it appear she was having a seizure type reaction when she threw up and couldn't walk well? My doodle, Luah has these episodes about once every 4 months or so. Vet did a blood work up etc. and everything came back normal. We're still not sure what it is but my thought is when she has had an ear infection she seems to get a doggie variety of vertigo due to inner ear issues. My vet doesn't think that is it but just wondering if Cocoa had a recent ear infection and if this episode seems to come and go??
Dearest Leslie...just last week Astro had a vomitting nightmare. He started and couldn't stop. Nine times and I rushed him to the ER Vet. We got there and he still had the dry heaves. He is much better as of yesterday, but it will take several days. Like Cocoa his blood work came back normal. Vet thought maybe he crossed something toxic on his walk. Or possibly ingested something we were not aware of. Astro slowly started eating and drinking again. If you don't see improvement go back for another blood test. You cannot be too safe especially when the vet doesn't know what happened.
Poor Cocoa (and poor Leslie - so much worry)! I have no sage words, but y'all are in my thoughts and prayers!
I'm sorry to hear this. I hope Cocoa is feeling better soon.
Oh Leslie, I am sorry to hear. I hope the vets can answer all of your questions and get this figured out. We had an hour long throw up session last night with our Chianti, it is scary when you don't know what's wrong and how bad they are really feeling. She is on antibiotics, so we think it was that because she is just fine this morning. Playing as normal and just ate some rice & pumpkin.

I hope Cocoa is feeling better this morning and it was just something she needed to get out of her body. My thoughts are with you guys!
I am also very sorry to hear about Cocoa. How is she today?
Thanks so much for the support. I called the animal hospital this morning and she was feeling much better (she was able to walk outside and "do her business"- and even wagged her tail! I am so glad she is recovering... but still am worried because I have no idea what she ingested and hope she won't find it again. She looked so sick when I took her in that I didn't know if she would make it through the night. I am pretty sure that she ingested something toxic, because of the combination of symptoms- vomiting, inability to walk or control her body, excessive, profuse drooling- hopefully the vet will have some suggestions. The vet I spoke to last night told me that we might never know.

My husband and I are going to look around the yard again- I saw some mushrooms growing in our lawn and am wondering if she snatched a nibble of one while she was outside. Then there's the report from my older son that when he was in front with her she ate some poop (not her's) that had green in it. I guess I'll be driving myself crazy.
Glad to hear that she's feeling better! Try not to drive yourself crazy. Keep a close eye on her the next couple of days and make sure she's not getting into anything she shouldn't. We'll be thinking of you.
My first thought reading your post was mushrooms or chicken jerky. You already indicated there was a possibility of mushrooms, though the reaction to these is very quick sometimes not allowing for treatment, did your vet comment on that? Have you given any of those chicken jerky treats like you can get at Sams, Costco, etc...? They have been on and off the FDA warning list with many horrible consequences but as far as I am aware not recalled. Additionally there was that whole list of Pet Carousal chews from Petsmart.

If your pet ingests something toxic and you see them and can react quickly (within 20 minutes) you can induce vomiting with 3% peroxide. 1 tsp for every 10 pounds, if vomiting does not occur you can repeat this one more time 15 minutes later. Please note I am not suggesting this as a substitution for veterinary care, but sometimes it is very helpful to buy yourself a little time ~ quick responses = better outcomes. Of course you would not use this treatment for something that will do more damage again on the way back up just like humans.

Glad to hear she is up and about today, keep us posted.
I have to tell you this, we lost a 12 week old beautiful male Golden Doodle, Kramer ate some mushrooms in our yard and he had the same symptons. Rushed him to the vet, they insisted it was Parvo, it was not. Kramer ended up dying a very painful death becase the vet didn't know what he had and kept him from vomiting. They did all of the Parvo tests and it came back negative. Still they said it was Parvo, but it was not, had they treated him for poisoning he may still be with us today. The way we know what he ate is, I ordered a autopsy and this was discovered. Please remove mushrooms from your yard. They just eat anything they can get their mouths on.
I am glad your story ended more happy then ours.
We have another doodle boy, Toby and I made sure when he was a puppy any mushrooms were removed from the yard. Can't be too safe with these puppies.



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