This is Dakota. She was pulled last night from the PSPCA by two wonderful DRC volunteers, and brought to equally wonderful DRC director Lynne Fowler's home at 11 p.m. last night.
Dakota is a 1-2 yr old Miniature Labradoodle. She was brought in as a stray and she has a compound fracture of the left front distal radius and ulna. She must have been hit by a car. She is currently splinted and on Tramadol for pain. This injury will not heal properly with a cast. Her injuries require orthopedic surgery or an amputation.
Dakota is a very sweet and beautiful girl with a great disposition. Despite her injuries she is very active and ready to play.
Dakota was seen by the vet today, and the prognosis for saving her leg with surgery is excellent.
The cost of the surgery will be $3200.
The DRC has committed to saving Dakota's leg and she is having the surgery.
Having just also taken in a heartworm positive doodle yesterday, this expense will deplete the DRC's reserves, making it difficult if not impossible to save more doodles from euthanasia in kill shelters across the country.
We ask for so much from you here in the Doodle Kisses forum, and you never let us down. The incredible work that the DRC has done this past year, the doodles who have been saved from abuse, illness, and euthanasia, and who now have loving homes, none of this could have been done without you.
We need your help again. Please help us by donating to
Dakota's Fund. Anything you send for this purpose will go directly to the vet bills for Dakota's surgery. We will keep a running total of all the funds donated and update you as they are received, as was done last year for Sophie's fund. Crossposting is appreciated, too.
I know none of us has much to spare these days, especially at this time of year, but anything will help. Anything at all.
Here is a link to the special Paypal account that has been set up for Dakota's surgery:
If you would like to send a check, here is the mailing address:
Doodle Rescue Collective
2 Prospect Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07042
Please mark your donations "
Dakota's Fund".
If you would like to make your donation in memory or honor of someone special, two or four-legged, we will also be happy to send a card or email to someone telling them of your kind gift in their honor or in memory of their loved one. Just let us know.
Please reach down into your hearts and pockets for Dakota. And thank you so much for your help.