Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

what is your doodle scared of ? my 11 month old puppy Cagney is scared of shadows, my guitar hero guitar, my cell phone, the vacuum, and some of my friends. when he get's scared he pees and runs away .

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My Swiffer Wet Jet, electric broom - he hates them , he barks and nips at them while they are being used. If they are not in use, they don't bother him. The regular vacuum bothers him much less for some reason. My GR was never bothered by anything. I wonder if this is more common in poodles?
My doodles are not too fond of the vaccuum. Not sure if they are exactly afraid of it, but just not fond of it. They will come up and inspect it when it's off, but run from it or play attack it when it's on. It's actually really funny, but I try to discourage it since I don't really want them to attack the vaccuum. Other than that they aren't really scared of any one thing consistently. Dustin is starteled by lots of things on first site, but once he inspects it he's completely ok with it. Fenwy has never really been consistently afraid of any one thing either. Although they are both startled frequently by their own poots!
Lucy is only afraid of one person, nothing else. When she was a puppy she nipped my grandson, while playing, and he was always told if a puppy bites you bite him back, so he bit her ear. ( do you just believe it ) She has not liked him ever since. ( don't blame her) Other than that I don't think she is afraid of anything or anyone.
Interesting -- I have not heard that technique before. I can only imagine the pup's reaction -- probably not what she expected!
Barney is scared of nothing. Nothing bothers him at all. Storms, vacuums, strangers...nothing. He's to busy getting in his nose to everything
I am reading these responses and chuckling at the comical descriptions of terrified doods! My dog Lyric had a lot of fears when I got her, but i have worked hard at making her less afraid, so she will be a happier dog. There are lots of training techniques you can use to reduce their fears. I can now vacuum pretty close to her after getting her used to it. Lyric was afraid of strangers but after much hard work, I thought she was better. Over Christmas, we had a parade of guests and she was so good! But, tonight, my son, who is home from his first year at college, invited all his friends over for an all night party. (UGH!!!) Some of them are well over 6 feet tall. I came into the room as they were arriving and asked where Lyric was. She was hiding under the computer table looking very scared!! But once I was with her, she was much better--I told her to "say hi" and spoke to her cheerfully without soothing her (which makes them think they SHOULD be afraid) and she eventually greeted everyone calmly.
I wish she would hide (well kinda') when new guests come over... she barks terribly at them and then frantically runs from room to room sniffing the ground like crazy once they leave! I have grown men who are terrified of her. I video taped her in this state> I just have to figure out how to upload it onto my page. BTW ~ I think I may have asked you this before... but where is East Chatham, NY again???? We're on Long Island.
Harry is terrified of cameras. I'm sure it was originally the flash, but now he runs whenever the camera simply appears



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