First let me start by saying that I really don't anthropomorphize Porter all that much. I know he is a dog and I don't ascribe complex thought processes to him most of the time.
However, he does some stuff that I find hilarious and somewhat indicative that he is confused about his species identity. I think his young age,1, and the fact that I have three kids, 4, 6, 8 may contribute to this situation.
Most recently, I loaded all the kids into the car to get haircuts. My husband was staying home. Porter snuck out of the house with us, climbed into the car, and crawled up into a forward-facing carseat. (Picture a 65 lbs dog squeezing his big butt into a flowered seat for infants and toddlers.) He had to be dragged by my husband out of the car.
Now, I know he must just see us as the pack and he wants to stick with us, but the way he handles the kids stuffed animals makes me laugh too. He collects them and puts them on his bed. He taunts the kids when he is stealing them, but he doesn't damage them at all. I think he just wants to hoard cool stuff for status, but I wonder if he is trying to be like them. It breaks my heart (I am laughing at myself too and making an "L" with my fingers and putting it up to my forehead.)
So, do you have any dog-human confusions stories to share?